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What system, MOA or Mil, do you use?

Do you use MOA or MIL

  • MIL

    Votes: 277 27.2%
  • MOA

    Votes: 741 72.8%

  • Total voters
i use mils because i learned in the military. i learned moa to the same as before when the mk12's were around there were some scopes that had the mildot and moa turrets. i personally like to use mil/mil set up. its easier to communicate holdover with the turrets and for other reasons like software truing. moving the decimal over with click adjustments makes sense to me when zeroing, and with that, 1 mil@1000y=36 inches. All things the same, moa definitely is more accurate as it has finer adjustments at longer ranges, its percent of more accuracy isnt anything anyone should be concerned with unless you are trying to hit a cigarettes butt at 1300y.
How can you vote when you use both systems ?
For long range work I use Mil because it is easier to do the math .
For short range stalking and jump shooting I use MOA scopes and never touch the turrets . They are cheaper .
I have one scope that has a Mil dot cross hair but MOA turrets so how do i vote for that one ?
Given the choice I will choose MIL/MIL because I used it for over 27 years in the Military. MOA is great to but I prefer MIL/MIL. Its easier for me with a known caliber and ballistics.
Ok, so im really not looking for a debate on what system is better. The fact is, they both have good features and in the right hands can work equally well. I get the idea though that people like Arron Davidson(Not knocking AD at all just a observation based on the fact his LRF does not give corrections in MIL.) have the preception that only tatical guys use MIL. So I would like to see how many use each system.

I hate MIL..... Mostly because mathematically it doesn't fit in my mind. I never remember how to use it (because of an extreme A.D.D disorder.) Even in school I devised different ways of solving math. Teachers hated me because I refused their methods. The inch system is intuitive for me because I've used it for 70 years & I have no desire to change. I can use metric millimeters or metric weight well. Only because I can usually convert in my mind quickly & I have to remember two things. the number 2.2 for converting kilograms/lbs or 25.4 for millimeters/inches.

I'm happy for those who like it
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