For me and my girls it is totally dependent on the situation. When stand hunting, we go to the stand with the mag full and chamber empty. Climb into the stand, quietly chamber a round, put the safety on, and set the rifle in a corner. Unload before climbing down. Out West, we always hunted with an empty chamber. If we stalked an animal, we chambered a round when we were starting to get close, but left the bolt up, fingers around stock under bolt, and thumb on the bolt shroud. Sounds cumbersome, but it is not, and very quiet to put the rifle into play when it is needed, and safer than a loaded gun with the safety on, I think. An old western guide taught me this method nearly 40 years ago and I still use it today. Not a fan of a round chambered on an uncocked gun. Too many things can go wrong, especially with cold, stiff fingers. YMMV, but that's the way we were taught, and have neither ever had an accident, or an issue with any guide. But things might have changed out West lately, havn't been out there since I broke my foot several years ago.