When checking bolt-lug face surface % with a sharpie...

It's so sad . I guess I'm not that competitive I always thought that if I shared my knowledge it Helped me to confirm that it was right and it made my job easier because then some body else knew how to do it and could then help me out . That's one reason I'm on this site to gain knowledge from others with experience that will share . And yes I have seen it be an anchor around their neck more then once . A phone call to the manufacture with the model number will often get you a new manual set to you at your job site in your name or now a CD version .
It's so sad . I guess I'm not that competitive I always thought that if I shared my knowledge it Helped me to confirm that it was right and it made my job easier because then some body else knew how to do it and could then help me out . That's one reason I'm on this site to gain knowledge from others with experience that will share . And yes I have seen it be an anchor around their neck more then once . A phone call to the manufacture with the model number will often get you a new manual set to you at your job site in your name or now a CD version .

So true.

Thanks for the tip on the manual. I'll suggest that to her.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall when he notices that she can use it without "his" manual........:rolleyes:
Long ago I found that trying teach someone what I think I know either confirms it, or makes me revise it. My grandfather taught me that. He taught me a lot of things about life. I suspect that his teaching me was doing the same for him.
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