What gun for 2011 antelope hunt ?

jarhead1371, I remember seeing the "Day One" post but don't think I saw the "Day Two" post. Both are really cool. In 2 you mention your wife's currently planning a build. Has your wife decided on a caliber and list of components?
It doesn't really matter, whatever your most comfortable with and if your in a situation of a possible long shot, then you need to be comfortable with the rifle. My neighbor goes to Montana and he either uses a 243. win or 308. win. The guys he goes with uses a 22-250 Ackley Improved and the other uses 30-378 weatherby magnum. If i were going i would be taking my 7mm rem mag with 140 grain accubonds.
jarhead1371, I remember seeing the "Day One" post but don't think I saw the "Day Two" post. Both are really cool. In 2 you mention your wife's currently planning a build. Has your wife decided on a caliber and list of components?

We only had a few days off work and we made the most of them. It was the most memorable days hunting I have ever had, including killing a doe and 168" whitetail in the same eve (with a bow) back in IL.

She's open to letting me plan her build. I'll go with the Surgeon action (again), Brux barrel (again), Manners stock (again), CSR muzzle brake (again), and have Jim build it (again). I'm thinking on hers also in the 7SAUM, or 284 Win, and once I re-barrel mine I'll step up to either 7/338 Norma or 338 Norma (depending on how the new 338 Berger works out). I like the thought of a 338 but I love the 7mm. I'm thinking of shooting the 200 gr Wildcat bullet if I go the 7/338 Norma route. At around 3200 fps that thing will be sick! Who knows we might have twin 7/338 Norma or 338 Norma. Time will tell :D
Nice list of components and I've heard many good things about Jim's rigs here on LRH. Keep us posted on what caliber you eventually decide on. Enjoy.
I'm still undecided on what to buy for Antelope/Deer. Looking real hard at the Ruger M77 MarkII in 25-06 or 6.5 Creed. Any suggestions, pros-cons?
i would look at the savage over a ruger. all the savage's i have owned have outshot all the rugers. jmho
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I too have been thinking about the 6.5s, Thinking about a 6.5-06, 6.5-.284 or even a .260 Rem.......But I now have three 25-06s in the gun closet....I bought the first one over 20 years ago, a Rem 700, she has over a hundred whitetail under her belt 2 pronghorns and 2 mulies.......I can think of a handful that actually moved more than 3 feet straight down after they were shot and two of them were my fault......The second one is a Savage with a 26" Douglas varmint tube that consistently shoots .4s....two shots and another mulie and pronghorn......I just built another third simple one with a Adams & Bennet tube from Midway.....second group without load development was a .8....The lighter barrel will make it much easier to carry but I think it has the potential to shoot with the other two.....I have switch barrels for 30-06 and .243 but the 25-06s will remain the first ones to grab when it comes to lope and deer hunting...........................At least until I build a 6.5...............Any thing you choose will make a great lope rifle as long as it shoots
Another real keeper you might think about would be the 6.5x55 Swede; plus there are a few US rifles manufactured in that caliber. Not to mention the 6.5 Rem Mag one of my all time favorite cartridges.
I hopefully will get drawn for the 2011 hunt if I do Ive been thinking of getting a 270. Im in michian and I figured it would also be a good deer rifle. Was wondering if anyone shot the Savage Model: 116 FSS in the 270 and what you thought.
Thanks, WMWW
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