What gun for 2011 antelope hunt ?

As long as it's a decent caliber I take the gun your most accurate and comfortable with.
I tipped one over at 320yds. last fall. I shoot a 250 Savage (250/3000) in a FWT Model 70 Win. with a 22" barrel. 100gr ballistic tips. I know this is not the longest shot in the world but it is not bad for an old fart with Parkinson's. You do not need a cannon just a good shooter and lots of practice. And I do not mean sitting at a bench I did a lot of practicing laying on the ground and shooting at the targetgun)
Tenwalker, us old farts got to stick together.:) 320 yards ain't easy either...sounds like a great shoot.
.257 Wby. Magnum with a 100gr Barnes T-Shock at about 3800 fps.... There was a reason this was Roy Weatherby's favorite cartridge.. It needs to come out of a 26" inch plus barrel.. I like the 28" inch for this cartrdge.
I had a 22-243 built a couple of years ago just for Antelope hunting.

I have shot antelope over 400 yards with this rifle. I used an 80gr Sierra
boat tail hollow point and the antelope was DRT (dead right there).
Sgtcliff, Welcome, glad to have you here. Lots of good folks and lots of good info. Thank you for your service, what Branch were you in? Enjoy.
Sgtcliff - nice caliber with the heavy bullets. I've got several friends with 'em, mostly for yotes, but have used 'em on deer here in Nebraska.

Unfortunately not legal for speedgoats or other big game in a lot of states, including Wyoming....


I have used this rifle, (22-243), for deer and antelope here in Nebraska. I use my 243 WSSM for antelope in Wyoming. I recently purchased a 270 WSM and am thinking about trying it in Wyoming this year.


I have used this rifle, (22-243), for deer and antelope here in Nebraska. I use my 243 WSSM for antelope in Wyoming. I recently purchased a 270 WSM and am thinking about trying it in Wyoming this year.



I figured you probably had. Great round for that. Easily meets the energy requirement under NE law, and is a real hammer on deer-sized game. I grew up in Wyoming, and never could quite understand the 23 caliber/minimum case length requirement. Of course, here in NE, we can hunt deer with a 357 mag pistol, but not a 357 mag rifle (huh? figure that one out!).

You'll probably love the 270 WSM on speedgoats or deer. It'll buck that Wyo wind great and give you plenty of reach. Where do you hunt there? I grew up around Sheridan, and try to get back every few years to hunt around Sheridan/Buffalo/Gillette area.

Have fun,
Last year my wife and I killed 3 antelope in 3 shots with my 7SAUM and 168 Bergers. Here is the exit hole on her doe at about 270 yds. It was a high shoulder shot and the doe was quartering towards us. The doe didn't know what hit her.


Like several have said, antelope aren't hard to kill but they can be hard to get close to.
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