What gun for 2011 antelope hunt ?

I'm still undecided on what to buy for Antelope/Deer. Looking real hard at the Ruger M77 MarkII in 25-06 or 6.5 Creed. Any suggestions, pros-cons?
I have a Ruger MKII in a 25-06 and have used it in Wyoming on Antelope. My first year hunting Wyoming I killed a very nice buck at a little over 200 yards using a 117gr hornady SST. Drop that dude right where he stood. I really like that Ruger, I know if I do my part the critter is a gonner.
I have used several calibers from 25-06 to 7mm RUM and have found them all to be very good for pronghorns. Having said that I have three favorites .270 WSM, .257 Weatherby mag.,7mm RUM. Hope this helps Richgun)
I agree with the one that is most accurate, I had Harold Broughton build a 6mm and 280 in 96 that is what me and my nephew used to take a few lopes and yotes.
16.5" bull in 7mm-08, my custom aluminum forearm. i flutted the frame, i did a trigger job, 16x super sniper scope. and no i just finished it and have not shot it yet. but it looks like it will go fast don't it!!! LOL
Assuming you are open to most calibers, I would recommend 25-06, 257 Weatherby, 257 STW. or a wildcat 25 /300 WSM (25 Pronghorn) . All of these are know for long range shooting. Any one of them is adequate for Pronghorn, mulies, and even elk. They shoot very fast bullets with flat tragetory , A 300 yard zero is not that uncommon on the wide open range.

Make a Plan and execute it.

Good Luck in 2011
21 Buck
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