Criticism is good in my book. It all depends on how that criticism is taken and the responses that following it.
Example, my wife owns her own medical business also deals a lot in social media. She gets a lot of criticism. At first she would take that to heart and it would be very difficult for her not to respond in a knee-jerk reaction or a somewhat defensive and abrasive reaction. That reaction was detrimental. She is sensitive because she has invested so much time and 100,000's of dollars. She is the best at what she does but should leave the media aspect alone or let others handle it for the business to thrive.
I sometimes feel certain owners may be great at what they do, but should stay out of other parts of their business. Now some can handle it great, but others simply rub people wrong and cause more harm than good because they are so invested.
Example: Barbour Creek on here. He can handle criticism. He can handle the media platforms in a professional manner, which does nothing but help his business. He' not combative, abrasive and snippy. He is precise and informative. People still form opinions with his work, but in the end they respect him!
I think to an extent it is when that respect is lost people tend to turn on that business or its following that defend it even though they may be great people!
Example, my wife owns her own medical business also deals a lot in social media. She gets a lot of criticism. At first she would take that to heart and it would be very difficult for her not to respond in a knee-jerk reaction or a somewhat defensive and abrasive reaction. That reaction was detrimental. She is sensitive because she has invested so much time and 100,000's of dollars. She is the best at what she does but should leave the media aspect alone or let others handle it for the business to thrive.
I sometimes feel certain owners may be great at what they do, but should stay out of other parts of their business. Now some can handle it great, but others simply rub people wrong and cause more harm than good because they are so invested.
Example: Barbour Creek on here. He can handle criticism. He can handle the media platforms in a professional manner, which does nothing but help his business. He' not combative, abrasive and snippy. He is precise and informative. People still form opinions with his work, but in the end they respect him!
I think to an extent it is when that respect is lost people tend to turn on that business or its following that defend it even though they may be great people!
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