Well-Known Member
Been thinking about fliers and wondering just how many may actually have UNEXPLAINED fliers. I defined questions that I asked, making sure that those who responded, understood what UNEXPLAINED ment.
UNEXPLAINED FLIERS was defined as a bullet that you have no explaination as to why it shot like it did or completely missed the POA. In other words, trying to take the "human factor" out of the question as best as possible.
Twentynine (29) people responded to my questions....
ONLY ONE (1) reported that they expierence unexplained fliers. Which amounted to 3.7% of the respondents.
40.7% (13) of the respondents, reported that they NEVER have filers what so ever of any kind.
37% (10) reported that it was extremely rare that they ever had a flier. Most contribute it to a number of "human" contributing factors, associated with the shooter. Things such as poor or improper trigger pull, poor body position, inconsistent loading, and even down to breathing.
18.5% (5) reported that they only have fliers when shooting a specific bullet.
I know that there can be many ways to interpet the results of my questions but, its pretty clear that of the shooters that responed, only one shooter expierenced unexplained fliers.
One can be relatively certain that those that have fliers when only shooting a specific bullet, don't shoot that bullet after recognizing that fact. If one considers that, then one could imagine that close to 60% of shooters NEVER have unexplained fliers.
That would leave the 37% that say they may have an unexplained flier but, RARELY. I would never go out on a limb so far as to suggest what percentage of those shooters may have actually caused the flier themselves but, eliminating the human factor would greatly reduce the percentage.
Quite interesting when only one of twenty nine shooters have UNEXPLAINED fliers.
UNEXPLAINED FLIERS was defined as a bullet that you have no explaination as to why it shot like it did or completely missed the POA. In other words, trying to take the "human factor" out of the question as best as possible.
Twentynine (29) people responded to my questions....
ONLY ONE (1) reported that they expierence unexplained fliers. Which amounted to 3.7% of the respondents.
40.7% (13) of the respondents, reported that they NEVER have filers what so ever of any kind.
37% (10) reported that it was extremely rare that they ever had a flier. Most contribute it to a number of "human" contributing factors, associated with the shooter. Things such as poor or improper trigger pull, poor body position, inconsistent loading, and even down to breathing.
18.5% (5) reported that they only have fliers when shooting a specific bullet.
I know that there can be many ways to interpet the results of my questions but, its pretty clear that of the shooters that responed, only one shooter expierenced unexplained fliers.
One can be relatively certain that those that have fliers when only shooting a specific bullet, don't shoot that bullet after recognizing that fact. If one considers that, then one could imagine that close to 60% of shooters NEVER have unexplained fliers.
That would leave the 37% that say they may have an unexplained flier but, RARELY. I would never go out on a limb so far as to suggest what percentage of those shooters may have actually caused the flier themselves but, eliminating the human factor would greatly reduce the percentage.
Quite interesting when only one of twenty nine shooters have UNEXPLAINED fliers.