Wow. Declining hunter numbers? I'm jealous. That is unheard of in the west. Where I live in Idaho we have what seems like 10X the hunters we did just 10 years ago. OTC general rifle bull elk tags that I bought during the season as an after thought 15 years ago now sell out within a few minutes of going on sale some 10 months before the season.Every area and every state is different.
What works for one will not work for others. Hunters can be another thread,
Lack thereof. There is a steady decline in hunting and hunters. When I was younger hunting with my dad, grandfather and brothers, you would see other hunters all day. The last 2 weeks hunting with one of my brothers, we have not seen anyone else hunting. The deer I harvest this year with my bow, 51/2 years old 6 point 20" inside spread, only a 6.
To the OP's question though, I would support antler restrictions here. I'm a little less concerned with them for elk, but for muleys I think we desperately need them. Way too many forkies and small 3x's being taken every year with hunters on every ridge. It's either that, or limit the number of in state tags in a given zone (non-res are already limited). Personally, I would prefer to still get a tag every year and then be forced to find more mature animals to give the young ones a chance to grow up.