I'm sorry but I'm in agreement with skipglo with the inside spread being difficult to judge. Yes if he's looking in your direction it's fairly easy to judge but this isn't a shot that I like to take.It's not hard, average width of ears in my area in alert position is 20-22". I don't know a game warden in the affected area that will issue a citation for an honest mistake/violation. It's actually written in the law that they can't for x number of years after it was stated. Easy to tell the difference in a 3 year old with a 17" outside spread and a mature deer with a 20" plus.
They ran a trial for the restriction in 5 counties for 5 years prior to instating it, and made the results public. Check ins were mandatory. 1% of bucks harvested didn't meet criteria.
Is it perfect? No. But my cousins and their $50 bushnel binos don't have trouble picking out legal deer from not.
If they would implement something like @Mark37082 has in his state with spread OR points would make more sense to me but I don't make the rules I just follow them.