This forum is funny because...

At least we all have a place to connect with others that have real issue similar to ours. After I ordered my 338AM turn key I realized just how much money this is costing me and I live in Michigan were I can only shoot 100 yards on game on a good day. So now I'm forced to spend even more to go out west to use the thing. Heck just yesterday I convinced myself I needed another AR so I bought one and I have three I have yet to shoot. Lol when my wife asks why I do this I tell her I do it for my manhood. Its like walking outta my house to take a pee outside just certain things I gotta do.
This thread cracks me up! It describes me exactly. When I first stumbled across this website I had two rifles that I used for everything. I now have a safe full and one at the smith getting rebarreled. The wealth of knowledge that I have gained from this site has been great. But sometimes I think ignorance was bliss. I didn't know what I didn't know and still killed a lot of animals over the years. Now I'm doing it a little more effectively, at least in my mind.

For a free website it sure has cost me a lot of money!! :rolleyes:
I've always been a stickler for 1/2" or less groups at 100 yards and just got fed up with only on factory gun that I own being able to do that with my hand loads. I knew a custom gun or re-barreled one would be in my future didn't know it would be an all out design centered around the 300 grain .338 bullet! Holy cow! Money pit. Thanks for educating me on the need for power and the best money can buy. :D
Great thread pal . When i arrived to this wonderful site i was shooting @ 100yds , then came the 200yd zero ,then the 500meter prone disease set in . And yes you guessed it, now I have the 1000yd itch coming on. My name is Gary and thanks for sharing .gun)
I'm trying to justify building a custom off of my 300rum... It still shoots in the .5 to .6 moa mark but the barrel has seen better days; the rifle is built crooked as a crank shaft too ( it actually NEEDS Leupy bases to correct windage) so that will be fixed... Problem is I just finished building my new 7stw so the wife's not buying the NEED for a new custom at present...
I find this forum funny because of what it does to me mentally. Let me explain... :)

If you think the forum is dangerous and causes many manly justifications for needing additional guns, ammo or equipment - don't EVER attend a LRH sponsored event!!,!

The proximity to Len & Andy with all the cool gear, experiences and knowledge of them and the other LRH board members will cause severe wallet bleeding immediately upon return to civilization. Mostly meaning access to Internet service!

The NTO Long Range Class is an extreme example of this. Some of the absolute best training I've attended in near 40 years of military, police service and hunter training. I didn't make it to my first overnight on the 2 day drive home before orders had been placed for gear from both the LRH Store and Amazon.

That plus I'm still trying to track down some other cool items I witnessed to replace some things I found didn't work as well as I had thought they would when taken to the extreme on the side of a mountain.

Guess I'll have to attend the class again just to test the new gear!

After my wallet heals up......
Try convincing your wife it was ok to buy 500 bergers for a gun that you dont even own yet.....

Well babe - they were on SALE!
I bought a rifle because I had 500 208grn Amax's and nothing to do with them.
I also bought it because I had done all the tinkering I could do with my other guns, so I was bored and wanted something to do.
It's funny you talk about building a rifle for your 208 amax's, I'm looking into building one around my 8lb can of h1000 that didn't really work like I anticipated for my 340wby....:rolleyes:
It's funny you talk about building a rifle for your 208 amax's, I'm looking into building one around my 8lb can of h1000 that didn't really work like I anticipated for my 340wby....:rolleyes:

Hahaha, I have a nice set of Forrester .284 Win. dies gathering dust. I suppose ill have to put them to use, and get a rifle to fit them......after my 6.5 Creedmoor is setup.
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