funny story.

And the funny part is that your father in law is the one that threw you under the bus. Win or lose he is trying to tell you something. Don't talk crap if you can't back it up. I hate to say it but it sounds like you don't think you can actually back it up. Even then, just because you can doesn't mean you should. You might have just burned a bridge to a good hunting spot! That would be worth more to me then the money, and $1000 is a lot of money to me. Heck $100 is a lot to me, especially this time of year.
I run into guys all the time that talk out of their butts. I figure the best thing to do is to invite them to come shoot with you. Most people don't know what 1000 yards actually looks like.
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Iam gona go have turkey with him today. My wife said since he threw me under buss hes gotta back me. Iam startingin to think this old hay guy is all talk. FIL says were gona shoot after first of the year gives me more to to pratice and figure my load out.
Iam gona go have turkey with him today. My wife said since he threw me under buss hes gotta back me. Iam startingin to think this old hay guy is all talk. FIL says were gona shoot after first of the year gives me more to to pratice and figure my load out.

WHAT??? after the 1st of the year? you offered up a challenge man, get to it next week!
Lol great story. I always cock off to people about being a better shot than them, because I believe myself to be fairly proficient with anything that goes boom or stick and string. I would never bet 1000 bucks against somebody I'd never seen shoot before, Hell even poor shots get lucky. You better get out and do some shooting because you have to have total confidence in you and your rifle.

I just recently got into the long range game and a target 1k yards away is a long **** shot. The furthest I have shot is 1222 yds, the target was a rock about 10x20 inches. It took me three shots- first was high so I took off 2moa, second was directly right, third shot I held left side of rock and bang dead rock.

So I wish you the best of luck (cause a little luck can't hurt), and get out and do some shooting so your confident in your equipment.

Happy Thanksgiving to All.

Went and had turkey with my brother in law and fil today at my bil house in the sand hills after supper we set up an old sheet of plywood aginst the barb wire fence.. lica said 973 yards. I googled the weather for tryon and got some inputs for shooter. Laid down set up the bipod used shooter. Turned up scope 23.1 moa tuched her off. Drove out 9 or 10 inches low 3 feet left . Drove back dialed her up one more moa 3 inches hight 2you feet left. Used my npr1 second mark on crosshairs right 5 inches 6 inches low. Iamm gonna need more pratice. But i think i got a real shot at this!!!!
My grandpa had a saying......"Talks takes money to buy whiskey". I've won a few bets from guys doing just what you did....make a ballsy statement without any knowledge of your opponents strengths.....hope it turns out for you, but don't hold your breath. BTW i'm right up the road in Alliance!
Hi Nimrod iam sure this guys sold hay in alliance. Real nice guy but full of u know what. Have u ever heard of a thousand yard range south of arthur neb. Says he shoots there all the time. I still think i got this.. my older brother lived in alliance for a while when he worked for the b n.
Hell yea all good ideas my father in law told my. Wife hes been giggling about it all afternoon. Now my wife knows she said dont loose. I havent been under stress like this since i had to tell my fil his baby was Preg.

So much for winning that 1000 dollors of she money... That's money she don't know about;) good luck with that. She has it spent already.
Long range challenge update.. my fil called me saturday said grab your stuff were gona go to arthur for the shoot . We found my fil friend. I I drove a 4x 4 box out 993 yards on rangefinder. I asked if he was ok for the distance he said looked good no problim... i got out my shooting mat kestral. I phone are rangefinder. And last my rifle .. i asked if he was ready to proceed and he said that he didn' t want to do anything that would damage our friendship. I said if he thinks this will hurt it then we can call it off if thats wjat he wants to do. He was thinking i could tell. I said i dont want to damage friendship eitherand asked if he wanted to call it a draw and just be good friends.. if he wasnt to we can ill be ok with that .. he said thats what he wanted to do.. i said ok .. and loased my stuff back up. He said he wanted to shoot some jacks on the pivit he pulled out his
. Marlin lever action 308. I thought it was a 30-30. He said nope a 308 and thats its deadly to thousand i siad hell yea it is. Then we shot a jack and went and looked at some antelope. Called it a day and headed home. My fil said he was real proud of the way i acted and was proud of me. I said thanks ..
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