Crow hunting story

I have been shooting at some crows from 700 to 1200 yards with out connecting, missing the wind by inches 3 crows have been lucky in the last 2 weeks

I went out to look for long range crows today and there were some in the field so I drove to the South end of my favorite field and set up the portable bench and ranged one, the Wild said 650 meters. I looked at the drop chart it called for 11.75 MOA. The wind was from 9:30 at 9 MPH where I was and I looked at the mirage and corn leaves out by the Crow the wind was coming from 10:30 and I thought the velocity was the same out there so I dialed in 1.5 MOA in and 13 MOA for elevation. Then I pulled the trigger on my 338 Yogi and launched a 300g SMK at the Crow. The bullet impacted 5 in to the left and 2 in low
The crow took of and made a loop and landed within 5 Ft of where I had missed
I couldn't believe he was going to give me another chance the crow was facing me this time I put in .75 More for windage and held the crosshair on the neck of the Crow and fired another round. This one connected I could here the bullet impact the Crow and saw the hit, center mass. On inspection there was a exit wound the size of a baseball

Crow Mag

[ 01-23-2003: Message edited by: crow mag ]
That is a big stock isn't it
I talked to Dwight the other day about doing a switch barrel on my 40x and he said I would not be able to use my old barrel if he trues up the action. When he trues the action he cuts new threads in the action so the old barrel will not thread on to the new threads You could have hem set the 22/250 barrel back. You will want to have a new recoil lug put on your action for a switch barrel gun. We will have to go out and shoot agene. Mabe we can pick a day it is not snowing and blowing like crazy
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