Gday Ucsdryder
please explain how & what I put up is wrong
or @ the minimum misleading??
I asked to pull my post apart not dismiss with the when all goes right
Or is it you don't understand what's actually required in the form of terminal ballistics to get consistent results
So let's try this
Please hone in on my post numbers 313 ,332 & where I'm wrong in my assumptions / experiences that over penertration is better than under & please just don't give a flippant reply/remark as that helps no one
I also note I have not put up a target bullet or hunting bullet as I stated it's what the actual design does that is paramount not the name attached to it
please take note of that & especially in regards to that heart shot elk
So I await your answer to explain to me or others more importantly how a pill that has a maximum penertration length that if it can't reach vitals is superior to a pill that has penertration that surpasses the length of penertration required or @ a minimum reach the vitals on the quater away shots or higher resistance impacts ( I've not even gone to the levels I test to as I'm sticking with a fairly standard shot angle that I've seen & was in that heart shot elk as that's right on the boarderline as I pointed out or once again am I mistaken
& once again a throw away line helps no one or a flippant remark so let's get to that 162eldm or if you want the other ones I put up but I'd say it's probably better to stay with the 162 eldm as you seem to have a issue with mine so upto you im cool either way
Just incase you've missed my point & If you would like we can pull some hunting bullets apart that don't make the grade against some of the target bullets that preform better as maybe that is what you want to hear
but it won't contradict what I stated previously as it's what the pills capabilities are not its name ( please take note of that once again )
So yes if that is where my allegiance lies I'm guilty of trying to show what people need to consider in their bullet choices & the shortfalls that will eventually show up & once again the 162 eldm showed it's lack of penertration capabilities where a slightly different pill lighter or heavier I don't care along with dosent Matter once again if it's a target or hunting projectile it's
WHAT IT DOES THAT MATTERS but the 162 eldm has show a lack of penertration capability on that elk shot angle & why I pointed it out
Let's discuss the first part first & then we can delve deeper where ea design is better suited to certain species & not a blanket statement of target or hunting bullets as then we are getting places
Now I also note the video from Nathan & thanks for posting that feenix as I've not seen that also helps explain a little more to those who want to see the wood in the trees
Caveats I've not used the 180eldm
But potentially & more than likely a far better choice than the 162 eldm ( twist appropriate of course)
But to Nathan's video & his pictures also state lighter body weights !!! Hmmm that's interesting to put those up as must mean something in terminal ballistics
The first 2 animals on that video are cns so while spectacular the results are somewhat shaded imo as cns are ones that can be misleading impacts & one i personally don't take a lot of notice of as you don't get the critter reaction & impact to tip is non existent but that's me & the way I do it Nathan has his which is cool & definitely served him well
Moving on I assume the following are in the ball park of 2800 impact for the 180 yard shot & 2200 for the790 yard shot ( take note of those impacts & the critter size & resistance it's important but once again imo )
The 840 yrd shot 10/11 sec to tip & 30 sec to Nathan's call & impact would be in the range roughly of 2100
The 970 yard was around 15sec to tip & no Nathan's call but when camera was back on the goat , it's positioned had somewhat moved so we don't actually know the time of impact to tip or a minimum Nathan's call
So that one is up in the air a little but to me that pill preformed well & nothing really concerns me on those size critters , impacts & resistances with that pill in the video
Oh also The 510 yard shot was around 7sec till Nathan's call & around 2300 impact all assuming altitude
Overall that pill preformed well but now we need to move to the different resistances & penertration lengths these require and while I've only had extremely extremely little contact with Nathan ( nothing ballistically other maters ) I'm sure he would give a better choice of pill than the 162 eldm on elk if he saw those pictures from post # 329 & his advice maybe the 180 eldm or something like a partition or something else to cover the angles that present in the field
I've got no idea but I'm pretty certain he would look @ it from what a pills capable of not what it's named