Sportsman's Warehouse won't merge with Bass Pro Shop

Wow, two threads in one!

That's efficiency at its best 😎😜. I rest my case as long as OP is cool with it 🤷

With my ADHD I'm used to thinks getting derailed or going sideways LOL. This is how my brain works so no worries, it's all good.

We can also call it multitasking I guess 😉

Our local Cabelas has no bullets, brass and hasn't had powder for nearly a year. They sell guns like mad, but haven't any ammunition for them. My local Sportsmans is almost the same. If they did merge we wouldn't lose anything, they both are catering to fishermen and kayakers with overpriced clothing in between. Perhaps the local gun shops will experience some new customers soon.
I'd swear you lived near me (Boise, Idaho) and were talking about the Boise Cabelas and Meridian Sportsmans. I do buy some fishing stuff at both from time to time.

Scheels is opening a store in Meridian. I always see posts about Scheels having inventory and was wondering why we didn't have a Scheels.... Well, I guess we will soon.
I'd swear you lived near me (Boise, Idaho) and were talking about the Boise Cabelas and Meridian Sportsmans. I do buy some fishing stuff at both from time to time.

Scheels is opening a store in Meridian. I always see posts about Scheels having inventory and was wondering why we didn't have a Scheels.... Well, I guess we will soon.
I am genuinely hoping that Scheels opens a store in the large vacant field right across the road from our Cabela's here in south Denver.

They'd destroy Cabela's in under a week.

The closest Scheels to me right now is over a 100 mile round trip, but dang, I love them more than all other local shops combined.
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