Sportsman's Warehouse won't merge with Bass Pro Shop

I'd swear you lived near me (Boise, Idaho) and were talking about the Boise Cabelas and Meridian Sportsmans. I do buy some fishing stuff at both from time to time.

Scheels is opening a store in Meridian. I always see posts about Scheels having inventory and was wondering why we didn't have a Scheels.... Well, I guess we will soon.
A Scheels would be immensely welcomed here, we have a BassPro and a Cabelas. Wouldn't miss the two latter if we had a genuine shooter friendly store to patronize.
Thank God. BPS has driven our once nice Cabelas stores around here i to the ground. Now they suck as bad if not worse than the BPS stores did before the merger.
After going to the Scheels in Missoula this weekend I don't know how Cabela's/BP or Sportsmans can stay in business. Looks to me like Scheels took the original Cabelas idea and raised the level in every area.
Proud Of You Reaction GIF
Off the subject but My favorite movie. Went on a Moose hunt in NF and the guides were so backwards and unprofessional that it was my worst hunting experience, but I got to live like Jeramia Johnson , which I'll never forget. This whole trip was setup by my kind of second dad. His friend set it up and really screwed the pooch and took our money just to see some of his properties in NF. The guide that I had was a drunk-well the whole camp from the owner, the cook and the two other guides were drunks. We started hunting in three different sections. First of all they built a new lodge in the back country. The guides stayed in there and we got the run down log, plywood, tarp lodge. now running water, no electricity, wood stove for heat. I went out with my guide on a four wheel motor cycle. when we go to the hunting area he fell asleep in a run down shack. i finally got him up and told him I"X was going to kick his a** and we started hunting in the country by foot. Got stuck in a snow storm and took shelter in a dug out. it was about 8' x8' x 4' high. had a half cut 30 gallon can for a stove. Stayed there for two days with only "Sardines" and some other caned fish that they guides were living on. When we got back to the main camp the only thing the cook had was some kind of Potatoe and other root. He said that we needed to shoot something in order to have meat. Long story short we got two cows and finally a meat dinner the last day there. I lost 20lbs in the two week trip. They butchered up the two cows and we put into several airline coolers with plenty of ice to make it back from NF to Northern PA. When we got back home ad divided up the meat the guides kept the tenderloins and back straps. We only got the legs and a few ribs.
Every time I see 'Jeramia Johnson it brings back fond memories.
Make sure you know the rep of your guides!
I remember the day's, when we'd caravan to the closest Cabelas in Kearney, from Denver, before there was anything...good times!
I remember those days as well.

In fact, on my last hunting trip a couple of weeks back, I lost one of my all-time favorite pocket knives that had been purchased on one of those weekend road-trips to Cabela's in Nebraska. Once I discovered that I had lost the thing, it made me think of that multi-day trip with my Uncle going up to the old Cabela superstore. I even told my kid about those trips in the "long, long-ago - in the before time" and how that particular knife was one of the only remaining items that I still had from one of those shopping excursions.
I am so happy about this as well. Competition is always good in my mind. We are fortunate in CO to have all of those stores here. It allows the consumer to have a lot of options. One of the benefits of bigger towns, at the cost of a lot of downsides as well. For example the dealing with traffic to hit all three stores.
Awsome news!!! I thought that was done a long time ago. made me sad. My wife and I used to go to Salt lake every Chistmas season to shop for our selves. We would start at Cabela's , then Scheels, and then Sportsman's. And would always pick up everything there, because it was 20% cheaper, with less annoying salesman. 🤮
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