Sportsman"s Warehouse

Sportsman's prices suck just like Cabela's and Bass Pro. I walk into ours, price the item then look online. Almost always cheaper to buy online...

Online customer service sucks worst of all if you have a problem.

I'd rather pay a little extra, walk in and be able to talk to someone that actually speaks English and isn't a functional illiterate working off of a script.
So glad to hear this. Sportsman's generally has better people in my experience and I appreciate the lack of gee gaws etc that are supposed to make BP and Cabelas into a "destination" store.

We're supposed to get a Scheels in '23 I think. Bring it on.
I frequent SW because they treat me real nice & I often can buy powder without hazard & shipping costs. The nice lady in the shoe department helped me get shoes last year. I also bought a nice camo fleece vest that I occasionally wear at church to make the established big time local hunters roll their eyes. Going to SWH is fun!
The main reason I go to either BP or SW is for selection on rifles. I have to handle any gun before I buy it. They have the widest selection for the most part for comparison in my area. SW is much better on the service side of things. Definitely check LGS in my area before I purchase. As long as prices and selection are similar, I will purchase from LGS.
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