Sportsman's Warehouse to sell to BPS!

If any of you saw,what actually happened at was a hostile takeover by a guy that has been doing the Wolf of Wall Street crap...
Buy in...over power the the ownership and sell it off....
Seems this particular guy has killed many businesses just like cabelas..
He ought to drug behind a fast horse and then tarred and feathered...
My local Sportsmans is where I can find a popular powder occasionally and possibly a box or two of bullets. Bought some camo for a friend for deer season at a reasonable price. I haven't been to the local Cabelas since BP took over. Friends say they have nothing they need and everything is overpriced crap. It's next to the Cardinals stadium and Westgate entertainment district, lots of tourists buying the garbage there. All the Cabelas employees were given the shaft!
I'm in SoCal and the Bass Pro has been very good to local conservation groups with letting us use their facilities. Unfortunately they are just a cheap Chinese clothing, ToysRUs and candy store as so eloquently stated above.
I visited Cabelas in Grand Junction Co. yesterday. NO ARs, Very few Hand guns, and lots of bare shelves where Reloading Components and Ammo should be.
The south Denver (Sheridan) Sportsman's has now consolidated all of their bullet/reloading aisle into a tiny space. What was once a jammed aisle of bullets, primers and brass is now condensed into 1 four foot shelving section. The rest of the aisle is all space-filler stuff like targets and so forth.

I agree that their re-stocking shipments are probably going to be minimal - at best - until the sale is completed.
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