Science this 200 yard shot anomaly

Why don't you tell us what part of the video you want us to look at. The double bullet in flight look or the water disturbances as the bullet nears the target. All I can think is Bernoullis principle can cause the water disturbance because the pressure on the air from the bullet has something to act against, the water. Like ground effect when a plane lands the pressure under the wing has a solid surface to push against giving more lift. Shep
Clueless! What looks like 2 bullets I thought at first it just came apart somehow but smarter people than I didn't mention it so can't be. Only other thing I noticed was the leading image made some light effect on the target before the water exploded.
Maybe it's a 6.5cm from franklin armory's new reformation...maybe the bullet does have wings ;)


  • Screenshot_20190221-083414_DuckDuckGo.jpg
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refraction of lite are really cool if the background lite is set well...
I once saw to Bigfoot......ended up being only one...highly disappointed....
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