***1000 YARD COLD BORE SHOT (This Saturday)****

Well, what's the diagnosis doc? I'm really interested in this! I feel like were in the same class together here!
Well, what's the diagnosis doc? I'm really interested in this! I feel like were in the same class together here!

If you are inputing the spin drift then your one step ahead of me. I looked at it on my program and it seems to me to be a little confusing but thats how I felt the first time I tried to gather all the real world conditions from my kestrel and enter all the data . So, I will have to back up a bit and sort of start over but hey what ever it takes to better my shot placement!

Iwill play with it at home and try it next time out. pics to follow of course.

I think I found a spot that I can get out to 1200 maybe 1300ish yards in the big corn field but I will have to set up about 20 feet of scaffolding and shoot off the top of that. Should make for some interesting pics.
Thanks Kirby for the kind words.
Can I ask you what program you use to get your drops?
I can see were an Allen Magnum juiced up on Nitrous would make it easier:D

I generally use the NF version of Exbal on my palm in the field. Looking at your groups again, and realize I am getting REALLY picky here. You may want to get a baring surface measuring tool. Superior Shooting Systems makes a GREAT one but its kind of spendy but very high quality. Baring surface can have a huge effect on vertical stringing at long range. Besides the one shot your groups is totally vertical and this MAY help that. Again, I said I am being picky because that amount of vertical stringing is certainly not that bad but its one way to tighten up any variation just a bit more tightly!!!

The AMs certainly give you a bit more room for error that is for sure, you still have to do your best to call the conditions dead on. Its just that when your a bit off that they really can be helpful!!!
Hey bigbuck, on my program turning on SD and CE is like turning on a light switch. It's just on or off. The only thing I have to input to make CE accurate is latitude and heading where I'm shooting. The program I use is called Bulletflight and is quite user friendly.
Hey bigbuck, on my program turning on SD and CE is like turning on a light switch. It's just on or off. The only thing I have to input to make CE accurate is latitude and heading where I'm shooting. The program I use is called Bulletflight and is quite user friendly.

What device do you use to get your Latitude and heading ? A compass ? Not sure how to get this info ?
I generally use the NF version of Exbal on my palm in the field. Looking at your groups again, and realize I am getting REALLY picky here. You may want to get a baring surface measuring tool. Superior Shooting Systems makes a GREAT one but its kind of spendy but very high quality. Baring surface can have a huge effect on vertical stringing at long range. Besides the one shot your groups is totally vertical and this MAY help that. Again, I said I am being picky because that amount of vertical stringing is certainly not that bad but its one way to tighten up any variation just a bit more tightly!!!

The AMs certainly give you a bit more room for error that is for sure, you still have to do your best to call the conditions dead on. Its just that when your a bit off that they really can be helpful!!!

So, the bearing surface tool should help me print a more triangular pattern 3 shot group ? I would like to get it down around the 5'' mark . I believe your right I need to get a little better with my reloads. The "little things" really shows up @ 1000 .

Thanks for the Info.

One way to get all the info into your ballistic program is to use a Kestrel with a bluetooth link. I don't want to start an argument here, so I just going to say what "I" do with coriolis effect. When playing at 1000 or less, I don't bother with it. I do however turn on "spin drift" as that is around 6" at 1000 with the rifles I typically shoot. I use both "Applied Ballistics" and "Bullet Flight" programs. Both will load data from the Kestrel.

I am certainly not going to argue with Kirby about shooting paper, but....... Some of us don't live out west with wide open spaces to shoot rocks. I shoot rocks when I can, but most of my 1000 yard shooting is done at paper or a steel plate. Here in north central Arkansas finding a place to shoot that far is difficult and then it is likely to be timber so seeing rocks and bullet impacts is a problem. Kirby is right about it being time consuming. On most days (depending on the mirage) I can see bullet holes out to about 500 or 600, further than that I have to go look after each shot...... a real pain in the butt.

I have a steel plate at 1000 yards from my bench, then I can move closer to shoot other distances off a bipod or other field type supports. Like rocks it is easy to see the bullet impacts (assuming you hit the 15"X15" plate). Total misses are a problem..... On most days when I set up to shoot, my first shot is a cold bore shot at my gong at 1000. Then I will set up to do whatever I came to do, but I like to practice getting all my data input in the ballistic program and making a good cold bore first round hit.

The target below is one way I shoot and test my dial up chart and the solutions from my program(s). It is very time consuming, but I will shoot one (sometimes two) shots at each range from 100 to 1000. The goal is to keep all shots inside the 6" dot. The target below is one I shot last Sat. This is with my daughter's 338 Lapua that Kirby built for her. This was the first stab at taking this rifle out to 1000. I had a couple of dial up issues, most notably at 400 and 900 where I needed to tweak my data. I will blame the hits to the right at 600 and 900 on a gusting left to right wind. All in all, not bad for the first time out with the rifle. I keep these targets and compare them from different days and conditions and keep all the data learned from them noted in my shooting log.


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So, the bearing surface tool should help me print a more triangular pattern 3 shot group ? I would like to get it down around the 5'' mark . I believe your right I need to get a little better with my reloads. The "little things" really shows up @ 1000 .

Thanks for the Info.

In my testing, sorting bullets into lots with baring surface lengths no more then 0.0005" (thats 1/2 of a thou), you will see groups at 1000 yards cut by 1/3 in vertical stringing. At 1500 yards, it can be by as much as 1/2 less and at 2000 yards it can be dramatically more even yet.

Now sorting to this very small window of variation may not be needed for your needs. In most cases if you can sort bullets within 1 thou of each other it will make a difference for sure.

Now this just effects the vertical stringing. I am not saying you have a problem with your load or rifle, you just fired one group. The next one may be nice and round shaped. Remember I said I was being picky but its one of the many things that you can do to tighten up your long range groups that actually works and shows results.
RDM416 Thanks for the picture of your target and that looks like some fine shooting.
Looks like Kirby built you a fine shooting rifle!! Concerning spin drift can I simply turn it on and leave it on ? Or is it something that I have to do before each shot at different ranges ? Sorry for the dumb question but I will never know unless I ask .

Kirby, I had started another thread and I have pics of two 3 shot groups and one of them is sort of semi triangular shaped but at best 2 out of three at 1000 has been vertical . I am trying to pay attention to my shooting form and rear bag, preloading bi-pod and all of the other little things but Im leaning towards getting the bearing surface tool as well . Thanks for your advice well everyones advice I appreciate it all .

In "Shooter", "Applied Ballistics", and "Bullet Flight" programs you will find "spin drift" in the settings or preferences section. Once it is selected as "on" it will remain on even for new firearms or ammunition.

Make sure you populate all the bullet data including the bullet length and also the barrel twist or it will not turn on.

Kirby, If you are still watching this post, do you have a source for the bearing surface comparator? You have peaked my interest. Anyway, I could always use another gadget to look cool on my loading bench.:D I looked on Tubb's website and found the caliber specific bushings but not the tool itself.

One way to get all the info into your ballistic program is to use a Kestrel with a bluetooth link. I don't want to start an argument here, so I just going to say what "I" do with coriolis effect. When playing at 1000 or less, I don't bother with it. I do however turn on "spin drift" as that is around 6" at 1000 with the rifles I typically shoot. I use both "Applied Ballistics" and "Bullet Flight" programs. Both will load data from the Kestrel.

I am certainly not going to argue with Kirby about shooting paper, but....... Some of us don't live out west with wide open spaces to shoot rocks. I shoot rocks when I can, but most of my 1000 yard shooting is done at paper or a steel plate. Here in north central Arkansas finding a place to shoot that far is difficult and then it is likely to be timber so seeing rocks and bullet impacts is a problem. Kirby is right about it being time consuming. On most days (depending on the mirage) I can see bullet holes out to about 500 or 600, further than that I have to go look after each shot...... a real pain in the butt.

I have a steel plate at 1000 yards from my bench, then I can move closer to shoot other distances off a bipod or other field type supports. Like rocks it is easy to see the bullet impacts (assuming you hit the 15"X15" plate). Total misses are a problem..... On most days when I set up to shoot, my first shot is a cold bore shot at my gong at 1000. Then I will set up to do whatever I came to do, but I like to practice getting all my data input in the ballistic program and making a good cold bore first round hit.

The target below is one way I shoot and test my dial up chart and the solutions from my program(s). It is very time consuming, but I will shoot one (sometimes two) shots at each range from 100 to 1000. The goal is to keep all shots inside the 6" dot. The target below is one I shot last Sat. This is with my daughter's 338 Lapua that Kirby built for her. This was the first stab at taking this rifle out to 1000. I had a couple of dial up issues, most notably at 400 and 900 where I needed to tweak my data. I will blame the hits to the right at 600 and 900 on a gusting left to right wind. All in all, not bad for the first time out with the rifle. I keep these targets and compare them from different days and conditions and keep all the data learned from them noted in my shooting log.
We use a 4wheeler & walkie Talkies one shoot one check then get back ae safe distance.
We use a 4wheeler & walkie Talkies one shoot one check then get back ae safe distance.

Hello meat head . I must go ahead and warn you , this website is addicting:)
Meat head is my father in law . It is his big corn field that we are shooting overgun)..........................................
Hello meat head . I must go ahead and warn you , this website is addicting:)
Meat head is my father in law . It is his big corn field that we are shooting overgun)..........................................

It makes it a lot funner if you spread the addiction to those close to you :D On Exbal I think your spin will stay on when you save the data, mine is dead right now but I think that is right. It will want you to put in a value it does not calculate the value like other programs. If you shoot me the bullet, velocity, twist rate and elevation I can give you a number to enter that should be really close from another program.
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