***1000 YARD COLD BORE SHOT (This Saturday)****

They do not list it on the web site that I can find but they do sell the individual caliber bushing for measuring different calibers. Just search for Superior shooting systems and they are under the accurate reloading listing under products.

YOu can go to http://www.davidtubb.com/davidtubb/content/templates/common/pdfs/bsc_instructions.pdf

And read about the BSC. There is a number to call on there as well and I am sure you can order it at that number.



In "Shooter", "Applied Ballistics", and "Bullet Flight" programs you will find "spin drift" in the settings or preferences section. Once it is selected as "on" it will remain on even for new firearms or ammunition.

Make sure you populate all the bullet data including the bullet length and also the barrel twist or it will not turn on.

Kirby, If you are still watching this post, do you have a source for the bearing surface comparator? You have peaked my interest. Anyway, I could always use another gadget to look cool on my loading bench.:D I looked on Tubb's website and found the caliber specific bushings but not the tool itself.

I have 2 questions for you. I use the Bulletflight program and when it comes to turning on SD the only thing I see is the on/off switch. Is there a place to enter in twist rate and length of bullet? I'm guessing it gets bullet weight from the projectile data base and twist rate is the standard for the particular bullet selected?
I know you said you weren't trying to start an argument so please don't take me questioning you as I am taking a stab at you. I'm simply trying to learn so here's my second question. You said you try to keep all your shots inside a 6" dot at any yardage but you don't correct for CE inside 1000yds. Your 6" of SD at 1000yds matches my #'s so I'll assume our correction for CE would be a close match as well. Without correcting for CE that puts my bullets 2.9" to the right of my POA. That would put your shots on the edge of your 6" dot if all other factors were accounted for perfectly which in my case is unlikely. My question is if it's as easy as selecting on or off on your program and your already doing it for SD why not just leave them both on all the time? Again please don't think I'm trying to start an argument I'm just wondering if me leaving them both on for all my shots is a bad idea? I appreciate your help, you've given me great advise in the past and I'm grateful. When I look at bigbuck's target it appears that his group is 8"-9" to the right of his POA which is what made me think of this.

Thanks again,
It makes it a lot funner if you spread the addiction to those close to you :D On Exbal I think your spin will stay on when you save the data, mine is dead right now but I think that is right. It will want you to put in a value it does not calculate the value like other programs. If you shoot me the bullet, velocity, twist rate and elevation I can give you a number to enter that should be really close from another program.

Bullet 210 Berger Hunting VLD
MV 2935
Elevation at the rifle when shooting @ the 1000 Yard target is 692.

My barrel is a 1 and 10 twist . 26 '' long .

If you need any more info just let me know and thanks for doing this for me. I appreciate it very much.

You are right about spreading the addiction . My father in law has shot for years just like my Dad but this kind of shooting is new to us all. I never knew that I would cherish a little pocket computer but now I wouldnt leave home without it especially if I plan on shooting any distance at all !
I'm showing about 6in of right spin drift. Just wait till your PPC won't boot up and you have elk waiting on you to tip them over gun)Or like I did last year donate your Kestrel to the BLM :rolleyes:

In Bullet Flight you need to go to the menu page and select "modify", then select "edit" this will bring up a page that will allow you to input barrel twist. From that same page select "edit" (just below "ammo profile"). That will bring up a page that will allow you to populate bullet length. Back to the menu page and select "options" that will bring up the check box(s) for spin drift and coriolis.

No problem discussing discussing spin or coriolis. Here is where I will get into trouble with some...... For explanation purposes I will start with spin drift. When I do not add spin drift into my solution I begin to see my shots start to fall a little right beginning at 500 yards, increasing to 5 to 6 inches at 1000 yards. This is real world testing done many times with several rifles. If I don't account for spin drift I see it, real world in my group placement.

Not so with coriolis. Keep in mind I am only talking at 1000 yards and under here. Without a coriolis correction on a calm wind day I have no problem keeping my shots centered on my 1000 yard gong. Unlike spin drift where I see the problem with my groups impacting right. Since I don't see it, I don't dial for it...........

Now, before before the coriolis gurus all jump on me here........ I am not saying it does not exist. I am an engineer with a fair amount of physics in my background, so I certainly understand the concept and the calculations behind it. All I am saying is in my "experience" at ranges of 1000 yards and under, I simply do not see it. As I extend my effective range on out to 1500 and beyond I will continue to play with it. It could very well be that my shooting and wind reading skills are not good enough for me to be able to see the more subtle deviations from coriolis. I expect it will begin to show up more at longer ranges. Like I said in my original comment on this subject, "this is what I do". There are others on this site who are far more experienced and knowledgeable than I. I am certainly willing to listen and learn.

Kirby, If you are still watching this thread, Tubb has discontinued producing the bearing surface comparator.
So it looks like they just sell the different caliber bushings that can be used with a standard set of calipers. Several make this type of tool. I think Sinclair makes several as well. All are pretty much the same, simple to use and much cheaper then the big SSS measuring tool. Glad I got mine before they stopped making them. It truely is a great system.

Thanks for teaching me how to actually use my program the right way. That will definitely help in the future. Also thanks for explaining your reasons behind your methods. I still think for my simple mind it's just easier to leave them both turned on all the time so I don't forget in the heat of the moment. Nothing wrong at all with your way if it works for you. Thanks again, this has been a good thread!
I'm showing about 6in of right spin drift. Just wait till your PPC won't boot up and you have elk waiting on you to tip them over gun)Or like I did last year donate your Kestrel to the BLM :rolleyes:

So, does this mean that my ipmact in perfect conditions would land 6 inches to the right of center on my target ?

What program are you using ? I may have to upgrade ?

I have been afraid that while hunting my ppc wouldnt boot up after all the practice .
So, does this mean that my ipmact in perfect conditions would land 6 inches to the right of center on my target ?

What program are you using ? I may have to upgrade ?

I have been afraid that while hunting my ppc wouldnt boot up after all the practice .
I know you didnt direct this question to me but i will try to answer the first Q.

Yes your bullet will hit 6 inches or 1/2 MOA right in no wind conditions. What the BOTW crew does to account for this is they sight in 1/2 MOA left at 100 yards so spin dirft is basically non existant.
The fear of equipment failure is not that big of a deal for me. I have never had it happn to me but take these precautions. I carry a basic drop chart to 700 yards for a middle of the road temp and altitude in the pack. In the truck or at camp I have spares for everything. Plus my son or hunting partnersuse the same or similar equipment too. If needed I could have my rifle / load data in their computer in a few minutes. If everything goes to pot, I simply hunt like I did for years before I started long range and I have memorized dial ups to 500 yards. So I don't really see failing equpment as a big deal or a long term problem.

As for spin drift, I leave it on all the time in my shooter program. So it is part of all the correction I get. But if you want to simply remember below 700 yards don't worry about it and at 1000 dial 1/2 moa left this will cover most rifles as close as we can shoot.


I tried to find the edit section you spoke of in my Bulletflight app and I believe I have a different version than you. I even read the entire directions and the only place there is to enter the length of the bullet selected is in the bullet stability factor section. There is nowhere to enter twist rate. I have the iPhone app what version do you have?


Again I apologize for running on and on here in your thread but like I said I feel like were in class together here and we are both trying to grasp the same stuff here.

Thanks guys,

Thanks for teaching me how to actually use my program the right way. That will definitely help in the future. Also thanks for explaining your reasons behind your methods. I still think for my simple mind it's just easier to leave them both turned on all the time so I don't forget in the heat of the moment. Nothing wrong at all with your way if it works for you. Thanks again, this has been a good thread!

All this pc talk for shooting is over my head but interesting to read i guess im just
a little bit old school

I am using Android. I have the highest level of the bullet flight program. Just get on three and start pushing buttons....... you might also try Applied Ballistics if you don't mind spending a little more money. :D

By the way Broz described the way I deal with spin drift spot on.

I am using Android. I have the highest level of the bullet flight program. Just get on three and start pushing buttons....... you might also try Applied Ballistics if you don't mind spending a little more money. :D

By the way Broz described the way I deal with spin drift spot on.

Hmm... I got the highest level offered for my phone. I think it was $40 if I remember right. You lost me with "just get on three and start pushing buttons." Well I guess I'll just keep shooting and see what happens. Thanks again for the help!
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