Replacement for 220 Swift

Great topic!!! ,,,,great info.....makes me proud of my Swift, but try as I do I can't out shoot my Chanlynn's 1/14 twist, 26 inch bbl. isn't there gonna be a powder room shortage with them fast twist long bullets? not that i'm against them just saying. thks , OP keep us posted !. Long live the 220 Swift !!!
Ok. So now I want to go back to the Swift in this rifle. Build a 22 creedmore, 22-06, 22-243, 22-240, 224x57, dasher, 250ai. ----, I knew this was a bad idea. lol
That's funny..
You did mention the brass you had may be close to giving up the ghost, if I remember right. If so, and you'd need to re-brass; maybe pic one based on brass availability and or ease of locating dies.
I wanted a wildcat based off the 6mm Rem and got so many responses and a lot of very good advice. Heck, I still want a 6mm Rem A.I. but the 6mm SST makes way more sense. LOL
This post couldn't have come at a better time. I've been doing some research into large case capacity .22's that will fit in a short action (22 Creedmoor, 22-243 AI, 22-6mm AI). I plan to put a gun together for the heavy for caliber bullets, specifically Sierra's 95 gr. Matchkings. Has anyone tried these in there fast twist .22's yet? Any issues anyone has run into, aside from short barrel life and stability?

There is a thread on Snipers Hide about the 90/95's in the large capacity 22's and I think that I recall a thread on Accurate Shooters as well.
Ok. So now I want to go back to the Swift in this rifle. Build a 22 creedmore, 22-06, 22-243, 22-240, 224x57, dasher, 250ai. ----, I knew this was a bad idea. lol
Joining this website has cost me buying about 14 rifles I didn't need but developed a real hard "want" for.

Now I'm trying to figure out how to wean back down to a reasonable arsenal.
That's funny..
You did mention the brass you had may be close to giving up the ghost, if I remember right. If so, and you'd need to re-brass; maybe pic one based on brass availability and or ease of locating dies.
I wanted a wildcat based off the 6mm Rem and got so many responses and a lot of very good advice. Heck, I still want a 6mm Rem A.I. but the 6mm SST makes way more sense. LOL
He's already got everything plus decades of experience loading for the swift so the sensible move would be to just buy more brass, see if he can just get it set back and rechambered and keep running or rebarrel it in another swift.
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Joining this website has cost me buying about 14 rifles I didn't need but developed a real hard "want" for.

Now I'm trying to figure out how to wean back down to a reasonable arsenal.

Sell all but one gun safe so room is limited, and then only buy one rifle after you sell another because you don't have any room in the one safe.;)

I told a good friend this so he went out and bough a humongous safe that held more rifles than he had. Oh Well.:rolleyes:

At least it worked for me because I wanted to build almost everything I heard about. and it did cut down on the components that I needed to feed the beast.

Good luck with that !!!

Ok. So now I want to go back to the Swift in this rifle. Build a 22 creedmore, 22-06, 22-243, 22-240, 224x57, dasher, 250ai. ----, I knew this was a bad idea. lol

There are a lot of .224 cartridges out there to chose from.

Decide if you want a screamer that will out distance The Swift, or one that will be in the same neighborhood as the swift. or you can chose something that can do the job but with a lot less cost of Ammo and barrel wear.

Then there is the wildcats that In most cases don't add performance, just loading issues and require more loading skill and equipment.

And then there is the other class of cartridges with tricky names that sound good but are realy no different than many other cartridges in performance unless you go with something like the Eargersplittin Loudenboomero_O (A 378 Weatherby case necked down to 22 cal, designed to reach 5000 ft/sec) it didn't make it and was more of a gimmick than anything.

I would recommend that you decide What performance level you want and what level of difficulty to load for plus the cost you are willing to except. This will narrow the field and a more rational decision can be made.

There are 15 to 20 different standard 22 center fire cartridges and that many or more wild cat 22 cal cartridges (A lot to chose from)

Narrow it down to what you expect and then go from there.

Good luck

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Factory bullets for the .224 were limited to 60ish grains for years, As the same for many cartridges/calibers. Technology has really changed things.
A retired rancher has a .223 and a .220 swift, both old school Ruger, they look brand new. He wants $425 each for them. I've been thinking about them since this thread started. Hope they don't go anywhere until the Sherman builds are done.
I'm a 220 Swift supporter. I suggest as others have mentioned to set the barrel back and re chamber to 220 Swift. Or rebarrel with a faster twist Swift.
I've told my wife when I die I want my Swift in my coffin for my journey to Valhalla.
I never really wanted Any more performance than what the Swift provided. I've never had anything more accurate. I think I'll re-barrel and twist it a little tighter. Stay with the Swift on this one. I just wouldn't feel right not having my old Swift. Sooo who should I go to for a barrel? Shilen? Is it possible to get an un-chambered TC encore barrel to build some of these above mentioned cartridges? Crap, I'm going to need to buy some Leupold stock or get a part time job there.
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