220 Swift /. 22-250

I currently shoot a Ruger M77V in .220 Swift that has been re-barreled by Douglas Premium with a 1-8" twist barrel , 26" length , standard Ruger factory varmint barrel contour . I shoot Hornady 80 gr. A-Max bullets , Winchester brass , Federal 210M primers , and Hodgdon H4350 powder , at an average velocity of 3305 FPS, measured 20 feet from the muzzle , by 3 different brands of chronographs . ES is 20 fps .
I have not killed any animals , yet , however , it is consistently less than 1 MOA at 1200 yards on steel . At normal ranges , 100 - 700 yards , it is consistently 1/4 MOA .
I shot it in the Texas F-Class Long-Range matches in Houston , last March , and at 1000 yards , it held vertical dispersion of 1/2 moa , however , my inability to read the wind lead to horizontal stringing . The rifle/cartridge combination is much more capable than I am.
With a zero range of 200 yards , I needed only 19.8 minutes of elevation to reach 1000 yards , at Houston , although my G-seven ballistic information called for 22.3 moa .
I think this combo would be very capable on antelope at 700 yards , as it is still near 700 ft/lbs. energy at that range .
I have shot approximately 700 rounds through this barrel , and accuracy seems better now , than when new .
I've had both but like my .220 Wby Rocket the best, 52 gr at 4250fps on coyotes and wolves out to about 600yrs in the cold air, have mine done on my old 7 Rem mag Ruger #1,using a Leopuld 4.5x14,still in factory wood ,26'' fluted barrel,used to have a plain jane swift in a M77 with a staight 12x Leopuld when I lived in Alberta,it to was a flat shooter
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