Replacement for 220 Swift

Mmgravy, so tell us how tite those 1/8 twist bbls shoot? Being that their both top tier bbls thks . Cantshootalick, do you anneal your brass ,where you from thks !
Nope. Don't anneal. Normally went to the dog town with 500 Swift rounds. 200 243's, 200 22-250,200 223. Always felt lucky just to get everything loaded. Ran 40gr vmax in 22-250 and 223. 75 vmax in 243 and 50 or 55 in the Swift. Had to use some sierra bullets when vmax's got hard to find. I normally don't have different bullet weights loaded for any given rifle unless I'm experimenting. Once I find a load that they like I stick with it. Right now I'm testing loads for a 6 cm. And a 340wby. But once I find what they like I'll stick with that load data for the life of the rifle unless I just want to try something different. Example would be the fact that I ran 40 vmax for years in the Swift, but the wind in W Kansas and SD convinced me to run a little heavier bullet. Always ran out of 243 rounds lol. The Swift bucked the wind bout as well but got so hot (smelled like I was welding) that I would EVENTUALLY switch to the 243 lol. That kind of abuse is what undoubtedly killed my Swift. I'd do it again. I'm a southern MO hillbilly.
Wow now that some reloading! Congrats on keeping them all feed , I've been prairie dogging only a couple of times , it sure is something to see and experience that's for sure ,good talking to you I'm from wisconsin thanks !.
To the original post, a Swift is a fantastic 22 cal.I would also re barrel the gun maybe with a 1 in 10 twist, that way you could shoot up to a 65 grain bullet and keep the velocity up there. My brother and nephew have Swifts, they shoot coyotes from the end of there barrel to 500 yards with out any trouble. Also, the Swift has stood the test of time.
I have 2 swifts which are both accurate guns, a pre 64 win and rem vssf with a hs precision stock and kepplinger trigger. My long range 22 cal is a rem sendoro 22-250 Ackley, kepplinger trigger, fast twist shelin rifle barrel.
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