Replacement for 220 Swift

New to the forum. Great to be here. Blah blah blah. Anyway.
I've got a rem700 vssf. I bought the rifle new back when they would only set you back bout $600. It is chambered for 220swift. The rifle has been to the dog town prob 6 times and has done as much work on the farm. The rifle is at this point "shot out". I have a heavy 22-250, heavy 243, hornet, 223. Sooo I'm looking to re-barrel the rifle in another "barrel burner". I loved the Swift but didn't love the rimmed case. Been looking at the 22-243. Whadya guys think? Never ran a wildcat before but looks pretty straight forward.
You must have buckets of brass and ammo in the 220 Swift. It's been the Secretariat since 1935, accuracy and velocity to the max. I've run 6000+ rounds through my Ruger since 1971 and it's about time and I will rebarrel it as a Swift.
22 creedmoor is the best bet option right now in my opinion. The case design and proven record for the 6.5mm and 6mm are both outstanding. I wouldn't consider any other barrel burning 22cal. The ballistics prove better than the valkyrie.

Howdy !

My wildcat " .22-35 Remington " is right in the zone you are discussing.
.22-35 was designed to give me ideal case capacity for shooting 55gr varmint bullets from a 24" 1-14 barrel. My intended use was shooting " Soybeanus Digestus ".

.22-35 Remington has case capacity is between that of the stock .22-250, and the .22-250AI.

I shot .22-35 Remington in a Wichita WBR1375 action. It operated just fine using the stock .308 bolt face, and an M-16 style extractor.

.22-35 would give you useful case capacity rivaling the Swift, in a rimless format.
Case oal is 1.920"..... same as the 'Creed, which is pre-dates by a few decades.

I used my .22-35 to get into the " 500yd club ", on a 510yd groundhog kill.
When chambered in a 28" 1-8 SS .224" cal barrel, .22-35 Remington gave me a
dual-role' varmint/target rifle, with 1,000yd capability.

I chose an easy-to-form 26* shoulder angle for .22-35 Remington, which was my first wildcat design. This was same as that used on 6mm Remington, which had a similar shoulder diameter. Use of .35 Remington as the parent case, gave me the case capacity I desired, w/o having to " blow-out " case' shoulders; or go "Ackley-fied" .

In the 24" 1-14 my favorite field load was 55SX over 41.2gr WW760 and FED
Large Magnum Rifle Match primer. This was not the max charge/load, but was hyper-accurate; and deadly.

In the 28" 1-8, I shot 75"A"-Max over 40.5gr AA3100 and FED LR Match which gave me 3,420fps; or 3,500fps honest if substituting oprimer to the Large Magnum Rifle Match. The latter load showed a modest opening-up in grouping. I continued using the regular FED LR Match, and enjoyed both stellar accuracy; and great terminal performance.
I have always loved speed, fast cars, fast trucks and fast bullets, recently I loaded some 243 ammo with Ramshot "Hunter" and a 70 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip, out of my Sako they chronoed over 3800 fps. Accuracy was great. My 243 standard load was a max load of Winchester 760 with a 70gr at over 3600, quite a difference, this is faster, flatter and more energy than a 22-250 or a Swift. The 243 with a 90 grain
Sierra Game Changer with a max load of Accurate 4350 is over 3300 fps chronoed. Nosler #8 book shows
a 55 grain in a 22-250 over 3800 fps. To me there is No need for wild cat cartridge that burns up barrels, your thoughts? ;-)
I have always loved speed, fast cars, fast trucks and fast bullets, recently I loaded some 243 ammo with Ramshot "Hunter" and a 70 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip, out of my Sako they chronoed over 3800 fps. Accuracy was great. My 243 standard load was a max load of Winchester 760 with a 70gr at over 3600, quite a difference, this is faster, flatter and more energy than a 22-250 or a Swift. The 243 with a 90 grain
Sierra Game Changer with a max load of Accurate 4350 is over 3300 fps chronoed. Nosler #8 book shows
a 55 grain in a 22-250 over 3800 fps. To me there is No need for wild cat cartridge that burns up barrels, your thoughts? ;-)

I have always admired the 220 swift. And also had plans to buy one. BUT after seeing the .243 win's ablity to shoot higher BC bullets faster the the swift. I went with the .243. Do not get me wrong I st admire the swift. I was shooting a .75 V-max @ almost 3550 with IMR 4350. i have backed it down and its working great. Switching now to berger 95 hunting VLD and going to test RL26 powder.
Never had a 220 Swift. Recently put a new barrel on my 22-250 Ruger M-77, 1 in 8 twist just to shoot heavy bullets. It works great.
You have a history with the 220. Reloaded for it, have dies, powder, primer and bullets for it. For less time trying to figure out a new cartridge my money would be a new barrel with a fast twist rate. A premium barrel with a fast twist and you will be in heaven.
Just my two cents worth.
Love my swifts got the vsf also! Got a rebarreled 8 twist ruger 77. Run a 75 swift scirocco at 3475 and the 90gr smk at 3300. Both shoot very well! Built a 220 AI about a year ago and love it even more! Shoots 75 amax 77 tmk both at 3575! Have hit a 10in plate at 1000 yds with it alot. Just my opinion but the 220 AI is hard to beat! I also have a 22/284 thats working out pretty good to!
New to the forum. Great to be here. Blah blah blah. Anyway.
I've got a rem700 vssf. I bought the rifle new back when they would only set you back bout $600. It is chambered for 220swift. The rifle has been to the dog town prob 6 times and has done as much work on the farm. The rifle is at this point "shot out". I have a heavy 22-250, heavy 243, hornet, 223. Sooo I'm looking to re-barrel the rifle in another "barrel burner". I loved the Swift but didn't love the rimmed case. Been looking at the 22-243. Whadya guys think? Never ran a wildcat before but looks pretty straight forward.
Learn to sneak up on the dogs till you see the whites of their eyes and then pop them with a 22 long rifle. Sure was fun doing that. Also fed a lot of ticks.
I'm with you guys on the .243. Like them well enough that I have two. One is a heavy barrel handi rifle that I use for my truck gun. The other is a heavy rem700. Imr 4350 and 75 v-max's. Great cartridge.
New to the forum. Great to be here. Blah blah blah. Anyway.
I've got a rem700 vssf. I bought the rifle new back when they would only set you back bout $600. It is chambered for 220swift. The rifle has been to the dog town prob 6 times and has done as much work on the farm. The rifle is at this point "shot out". I have a heavy 22-250, heavy 243, hornet, 223. Sooo I'm looking to re-barrel the rifle in another "barrel burner". I loved the Swift but didn't love the rimmed case. Been looking at the 22-243. Whadya guys think? Never ran a wildcat before but looks pretty straight forward.
I have a 25-06, that shoots 75gr V-max at 3700 fps from my Tikka T3 and 4000 fps from my P17 Custom 25-06. Funny thing is point of impact is very close to my 120gr loads, so I dont' have to adjust the scope when changing weights. Just a thought.
What about a 22x47?

-Lapua brass
-Just put a smaller bushing in one of the high quality 6x47 dies
- no fire forming
- small primers
-short case for long bullets
- long case neck
- improved shoulder angle

There's a thread on accurate shooter. They say it runs close to the 22-250 ai.
New to the forum. Great to be here. Blah blah blah. Anyway.
I've got a rem700 vssf. I bought the rifle new back when they would only set you back bout $600. It is chambered for 220swift. The rifle has been to the dog town prob 6 times and has done as much work on the farm. The rifle is at this point "shot out". I have a heavy 22-250, heavy 243, hornet, 223. Sooo I'm looking to re-barrel the rifle in another "barrel burner". I loved the Swift but didn't love the rimmed case. Been looking at the 22-243. Whadya guys think? Never ran a wildcat before but looks pretty straight forward.
Just do another swift. Maybe in a 10 twist. So you can shoot 55-70 grain bullets. Or maybe a swift AI
New to the forum. Great to be here. Blah blah blah. Anyway.
I've got a rem700 vssf. I bought the rifle new back when they would only set you back bout $600. It is chambered for 220swift. The rifle has been to the dog town prob 6 times and has done as much work on the farm. The rifle is at this point "shot out". I have a heavy 22-250, heavy 243, hornet, 223. Sooo I'm looking to re-barrel the rifle in another "barrel burner". I loved the Swift but didn't love the rimmed case. Been looking at the 22-243. Whadya guys think? Never ran a wildcat before but looks pretty straight forward.
I shoot a 22-243. It's very accurate knocks coyotes drt. I would look at the 22-243 brass is easy to find. The only down side is it needs to be cleaned often or you can get into trouble with carbon fouling. I'm pushing 75g Amaxs at 3500 with a 26" 1.8 twist barrel.
What ever you do will work as long
As it's accurate but a 22-243 fast twist is awsome
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