Replacement for 220 Swift

I've owned 5 different swifts over the years and never run into any ffeeding problems with any of them, not even wit the remingtons ;)
My Remington would feed fine as long as I carefully stacked the rims in front of each other. Difficult to do in the dark. I hated it. Didn't have that problem with either the Ruger 77V,Win 70, or the Sako I had, only the Remington. I like the AI better just because of case stretch. Also, it is easier to load in the dark in a Remington. There is nothing wrong with a Swift, I've had 4 of them.
Have a new barrel chambered in 220 swift with a fast twist and set it up to run 50-90 gr. That 6mm Lee navy case is a wicked platform for a long throat 90 gr 22 cal thumper
I just started load development on a 22-243 middlestead. All you need is 243 brass and dies. Redding makes them. Just run it thru the die and your done. A buddy has one that is a deadly at 800 or more yotes. He's been running 75 sciroccios with 1-8 bartlien and mine is the same. I built on a rem short action. The Smith put a shorter throat on it so that the longer 80's will fit in the magazine. Feeds perfectly no change from the 22-250 it once was.
220 Swift with fast twist: I bet it would be fun to shoot 45-55gr. bullets in top loads. I would be a show watching the bullets blow up. Also, these bullets going to glory will leave nice comet trails on paper targets. I supposed it was an accident many of us had consistently good results at the longer ranges with the old fashioned 1:14 guns.
No not accident. Just the right bullet. The fact is. If you want to shoot the Heavy 90 to 95 grain bullets in a 22 cal of any kind you should have at least a 1:7 IF you are at elevation and better yet a 1:6.5 twist for shooting the new 95 SMK
For my two cents worth: don't be concerned about the rim. Have you heard of the 220 swift arrow?same capacity as a Swift, but Sam Wilson of Wilson reloading dies fame straightened the case, necks it down with a 30 degree shoulder, thus an even longer neck. You fire th standard Swift case in the new chamber to form the much improved case-no more case stretching! I used this ina Savage single shot and their 1-12 twist barrel allowed a 70 grain bullet and incredible accuracy with the stiff, single shot action. This refined and sophisticated varmint cartridge needs a 26 inch barrel and the right powders to really glean that finite, flat accuracy it is capable of. 220 Arrow reamers can be borrowed from Wilson, who also has the dies, of course.
Do a swift AI you fix the brass flow issues and it will scream with stable brass. Pick a bullet and twist it properly. I'd look at RL15 and 16 or 4166 4451. Varget should also work.
I played around with some Shooters world precision today in a 308(not mine) I have no idea how fast this barrel is compared to mine yet. However 168 sierrias were running 2685FPS .5 off the data I have. Over my magneto speed for the 10 shots 2679-2688 is what my I saw. I plan to try it in my rifle. I put 5 in a sub 2" group at 300 and then came up .2 mils and left.3 for a bit better group in that 1.25 range. It would have keep them all in the same size group had I not adjusted the scope. It's burn rate is right around 4064 and is advertised as more stable than Varget.
For my two cents worth: don't be concerned about the rim. Have you heard of the 220 swift arrow?same capacity as a Swift, but Sam Wilson of Wilson reloading dies fame straightened the case, necks it down with a 30 degree shoulder, thus an even longer neck. You fire th standard Swift case in the new chamber to form the much improved case-no more case stretching! I used this ina Savage single shot and their 1-12 twist barrel allowed a 70 grain bullet and incredible accuracy with the stiff, single shot action. This refined and sophisticated varmint cartridge needs a 26 inch barrel and the right powders to really glean that finite, flat accuracy it is capable of. 220 Arrow reamers can be borrowed from Wilson, who also has the dies, of course.
I remember the Wilson arrow and the weatherby rocket. Similar, and like the mashburn and icl magnums ahead of their time because of the available powders of yesteryear. Hum, I still have some mashburn dies...
my 250ai has an 8twist and the only bullets that havent made it to the target so far are some hornady 50gr sx and they couldnt handle the fireform load. i have some 90 bergers up to 3330 that have yet to come apart, and i believe the hornady 75hpbt have made it fine. i have not chrono the tsx but I plan on chootin 53 grain tsx with the fireformed brass at a deer or 3 but really want to choot one or 3 with the 90s like yesterday but have yet the opportunity. i think those are the only ones i have tried.
My Remington would feed fine as long as I carefully stacked the rims in front of each other. Difficult to do in the dark. I hated it. Didn't have that problem with either the Ruger 77V,Win 70, or the Sako I had, only the Remington. I like the AI better just because of case stretch. Also, it is easier to load in the dark in a Remington. There is nothing wrong with a Swift, I've had 4 of them.
Odd, I've never run into it and I've never even tried to stack them, just try to slide them all the way back to the rear of the magazine light or dark.
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