Replacement for 220 Swift

The swift is still awfully hard to beat in my mind even though it's been around for about 85 years and the parent case has been around since 1895.
Yep I'm on my second swift. I remember when I was about 10 years old. Our neighbor down the road had a swift and shot a crow out of a tree. I thought it was around 500 yards away but actually was probably around 350 yards. After that I was hooked and had to have one. The first thing I bought after I graduated high school was a brand new 700 vssf 220 swift. Burned a pile of RL-15 through it with 55 grain Vmax's. I shot a pile of varmints and a good handful of whitetails with it. Like a fool I sold it. Two years ago for Christmas my wife musta been sick of me talking about that old swift and bought me a new one. A 700 vsf. Now the new one doesn't shoot as good as the old one but it still shoots pretty darn good around 1/2 MOA or a bit better. I did kill a coyote at 602 yards with it. I actually just ordered a Stockys LRC stock to replace that crappy molded stock that comes with it. There's just something about the swift that makes me feel like a kid every time I pick it up.
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I built a 243AI for a coyote prairie dog gun. When I do my 22 caliber build it will be a 22 creedmoor. Cheap brass and it's plenty fast. So give it a look. Welcome to the forum
Yep I'm on my second swift. I remember when I was about 10 years old. Our neighbor down the road had a swift and shot a crow out of a tree. I thought it was around 500 yards away but actually was probably around 350 yards. After that I was hooked and had to have one. The first thing I bought after I graduated high school was a brand new 700 vssf. I shot a pile of varmints and a good handful of whitetails with it. Like a fool I sold it. Two years ago for Christmas my wife musta been sick of me talking about that old swift and bought me a new one. A 700 vsf. Now the new one doesn't shoot as good as the old one but it still shoots pretty darn good around 1/2 MOA. I did kill a coyote at 602 yards with it. I actually just ordered a Stockys LRC stock to replace that crappy molded stock that comes with it. There's just something about the swift that makes me feel like a kid every time I pick it up.
Remington is still trying to screw up the Swift with slow twist barrels relegating them to about 60gr max bullet weights.

Still an absolute screamer at that weight just not a great choice for 600yds plus.

I've picked off more "birds" in trees than anyone would believe who hadn't spent a lot of time with me and boatloads of coyotes and PD's along with a couple of hundred hogs and more than a few deer.

Yes, I love the cartridge!
I had a 22-250 in a 700vs years ago, two of them actually. Both shot great. The one I had a friend rebarrel in a 6mm super LR specifically for shooting coyotes, 3100 with a 105 berger. The other is a 22-243 pushing 80grn bergers at 3500fps. It kills coyotes like no other. 8 twist on both. If a guy wants more velocity than that just drop the weight. Both are extremely easy to load for, just run them through a die. Both are 243 parent cases. Easy to find 243 brass.

New to the forum. Great to be here. Blah blah blah. Anyway.
I've got a rem700 vssf. I bought the rifle new back when they would only set you back bout $600. It is chambered for 220swift. The rifle has been to the dog town prob 6 times and has done as much work on the farm. The rifle is at this point "shot out". I have a heavy 22-250, heavy 243, hornet, 223. Sooo I'm looking to re-barrel the rifle in another "barrel burner". I loved the Swift but didn't love the rimmed case. Been looking at the 22-243. Whadya guys think? Never ran a wildcat before but looks pretty straight forward.
22-6mm is a better cartridge in my opinion, longer neck and better throat life than the 22-243
New to the forum. Great to be here. Blah blah blah. Anyway.
I've got a rem700 vssf. I bought the rifle new back when they would only set you back bout $600. It is chambered for 220swift. The rifle has been to the dog town prob 6 times and has done as much work on the farm. The rifle is at this point "shot out". I have a heavy 22-250, heavy 243, hornet, 223. Sooo I'm looking to re-barrel the rifle in another "barrel burner". I loved the Swift but didn't love the rimmed case. Been looking at the 22-243. Whadya guys think? Never ran a wildcat before but looks pretty straight forward.
I have a 22 Creedmoor that's awesome. The game has an 1-8 bartlein Barrel I'm running 75 and 80 grains around 3500 fps I have shop it a lot app to a 1000 yards. I also noticed they are starting to produce brass for it as well and you can also get the 6mm brass and neck it down as well. Happy hunting
My 22-250 with an 8 twist barrel shoots Berger 70 grain VLD's very well.
Not quite as fast as the Swift but just as accurate!
After that I go with a 100 Gr.Partition in my 25-06?
I'll second the .22-.250 AI. Almost identical to the Swift in terms of case capacity and it delivers outstanding accuracy. 75 gr. bullets and RL-26 are a great combination in a 1:9 twist barrel. Brass won't require much trimming, either.

The .22 Dasher is another option, if you want something a bit more 'exotic'. Great brass, burns significantly less powder (longer barrel life), great accuracy and surprising velocities out of the smaller case.
You've already got the brass, so I'd try to set the barrel back and have it re-chambered. See if you can get another season out of it while you consider the options a little longer.
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