Remington Alpha 1 revisited

Here's a shot in my Remarms 700 ADL. This is Remington's cheapest 700 in their line up. Yours is basically their flagship model. I'd expect it to equal or exceed mine.
The rifle is fired at the factory to insure it's in good working order. That's common practice for all legit firearms builders. The action is a modified Rem 700. All Remington 700's now come with 5R barrels. And the short action are modified to fit 2.950" cartridges. This is noted by the feed ramp being relived in the center to accommodate the longer cartridges. I wouldn't take a dremel to anything. I'd give it a real good cleaning and go shoot it. My new Remarms ADL 7mm RM shoot sub moa in a KRG stock. I'd just shoot yours and see how it does.
Yessir, I got it cleaned up without a Dremel. Yes, I knew the factory fired them, but I was thinking it looked like maybe just a little more than a couple rounds through it. The lack of residue forward of the feed ramp (which is relieved, as you said), and the thread compound dust in there were clues that maybe it had NOT been fired since the factory.

I certainly appreciate the info on the 5R. I wouldn't have figured that out probably. And thanks for confirming the dimension of the mag well.

I just need to get brass in now. Thought I had some SRP coming from Hammer, but when I got the confirmation it had shipped, I somehow had 6.5 Creedmoor in the cart. I double checked my order and it was 6.5 Creed I actually ordered. Had both in the cart at one time. Evidently took out the wrong one in haste. I went back in to reorder and the SRP 243s weren't even listed on the site, so I have no idea what happened with that order. I've ordered Peterson LRP from Creedmoor Sports over here close to me. They usually ship fast. They aren't far from AG Composites.

Now what scope? Lol.
Also need brake recommendations. Don't really want to disassemble the rifle to have my gunsmith install one to match the .740" contour. Don't really need it for a .243, but since it's there, might as well use it. Any idea who might make one for that contour in 6mm (without going to a 'one-size-fits-all' 6.5mm)? I'm finding some 6mms, but they are an inch or more in diameter. I don't care if it's a radial brake or baffle. Are there any out there that will machine them to spec?
The rifle is fired at the factory to insure it's in good working order. That's common practice for all legit firearms builders.

This is what Remington always claimed, fired at the factory pre-new design. Until I received two brand new in the box 700's WITH NO CHAMBERS. Not really possible to test fire a rifle without a chamber.

I pressed Remington about this, photographing the non-chamber through the receiver and their response was that due to the volume of rifles they produced, they test fired 1 rifle out of 10 rifles.

This is what Remington always claimed, fired at the factory pre-new design. Until I received two brand new in the box 700's WITH NO CHAMBERS. Not really possible to test fire a rifle without a chamber.

I pressed Remington about this, photographing the non-chamber through the receiver and their response was that due to the volume of rifles they produced, they test fired 1 rifle out of 10 rifles.

LOL ok. Well all I know is when I did it every rifle I cleared was personally test fired by me. Just in the manner I described. I even had a check list that I marked and signed. I'm not sure who you spoke with at Remington. You can post the paper trail on here if you wish.
Believe as you wish and keep believing that Remington didn't mislead the public. Let me know just how many Remington 700's you have checked over completely. If you can verify several thousand, better yet 10's of thousands, as being perfect and fired from the factory, you statement might have a little validity. Otherwise the handful you may have examined just really doesn't count for much.

Enjoy your beliefs.
You can always look for proof load markings on the barrel. Makes no sense to me for any manufacturer to risk a lawsuit over not proof load testing. During the bankruptcy many rifles/ actions were sold in different finished conditions. Sounds like you got some of those.
This was before the bankruptcy so this isn't justification for new rifles shipped by Remington at that time.
As I stated not every manufacturer proof tests every rifle including Remington. They tested 1 in 10, not every one.

Believe as you will.