Reloder 26


RL26 was the accuracy/velocity answer for my Cooper Backcountry 6.5x284.....3 shots at 100 yds at 2974fps with 140 VLDs
you have to buy 4 pounds of "shooters world powder" --and I'm not 100 percent sure that they would send you the back order powder with the free Hazmat as they send the SWP right away--doubt they would give you 2 free hazmat fees
Liking this one, highest velocity with usable working pressure in my 25" Benchmark 5r barreled 270 Win. Good accuracy @100-200m sub 1 moa for 3 shots.

Using Alliant's online data I'm getting +3100 to low 3200fps using a Nosler 150 grain LRAB. Before this powder that was strictly 270 Weatherby territory.

Anyone other than me finding this true? lightbulb

I'm getting similar results in the .264, 7mm STW, .300wm, even the .300 Rum with 180's.
you have to buy 4 pounds of "shooters world powder" --and I'm not 100 percent sure that they would send you the back order powder with the free Hazmat as they send the SWP right away--doubt they would give you 2 free hazmat fees

Oh i must've read wrong. I was getting close to ordering i can't find 26 anywhere right now.
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