Reloder 26

Versus 3,065 fps @ 86F?

Yup it's not changed nearly at all the three separate times i've ran it in different temperatures. Hell I lost 33fps on my 18" 6.5x47 running varget. Went from 2713fps with 130gr ELD-M to 2680fps today.
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Anyone ran any RL26 with 300 grain pills outa a 338 Lapua? I know 33 works well just curious if 26 is working? Thanks Dew
With the winter weather i would hope we could get some more findings. I am curious about the 0-30 degree performance. I have a 7 SAUM being built right now, and am wanting to run this and H1000 with the 180's. But temp stability matters a lot to me.
With the winter weather i would hope we could get some more findings. I am curious about the 0-30 degree performance. I have a 7 SAUM being built right now, and am wanting to run this and H1000 with the 180's. But temp stability matters a lot to me.
I have used it in a creed from -4 to 30s pretty extensively. I didn't see much difference in velocity. With very low sd like 2-3. I put 130rnds through my rifle getting ready for a prs match in 18 degree weather. Even leaving a round in a very hot gun for over a minute my es that day was 57 or 58fps.
Anyone ran any RL26 with 300 grain pills outa a 338 Lapua? I know 33 works well just curious if 26 is working? Thanks Dew

I use it exclusively in the LM with 300s at 2820 fps. It prints .3 MOA out past 300 yards and the velocity is 60 fps faster than Retumbo and 75 fps faster than H1000.
Well I tried it a few times. Got good acc, but it's not temputure stable at all. In 6.5 creed and 6.5x284.
Wondering if it just varies lot to lot. Ours has been between two different temp swings of nearly 40F now changed maybe 10fps? I'm going to load some more for dad this morning and likely shoot this afternoon but last i checked still 3065 +/- 10fps and single digit SDs.
I just read an article the other day where the author spoke with an atk rep, he called it "temp controlled" and said it's not "temp stable" like 23 or a few others.
He said it changed .5 fps per degree.
Wish I could remember where I found that article. He also said it is not the same as re25 like some people assume.

Anyone know who has 26 in stock? I can't find any locally or online
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I just read an article the other day where the author spoke with an atk rep, he called it "temp controlled" and said it's not "temp stable" like 23 or a few others.
He said it changed .5 fps per degree.
Wish I could remember where I found that article. He also said it is not the same as re25 like some people assume.

Anyone know who has 26 in stock? I can't find any locally or online

That seems consistent to what I have read. If it truly is .5fps per degree that's only 50fps going from 0-100. I'd be more concerned with runaway pressure as it heats up. As long as that doesn't happen, maybe have some Magnum primer loads for really cold weather? Sometimes that helps to compensate for the differences. It's all speculation without getting my hands on the powder. Most every report I have seen on this stuff is it is really a great powder in quite a broad range of applications. Temperature sensitivity pretty linear and mild consistent with other powders. I'm really looking forward to trying it out.

I also am having trouble locating any and am not close to WA.
That seems consistent to what I have read. If it truly is .5fps per degree that's only 50fps going from 0-100. I'd be more concerned with runaway pressure as it heats up. As long as that doesn't happen, maybe have some Magnum primer loads for really cold weather? Sometimes that helps to compensate for the differences. It's all speculation without getting my hands on the powder. Most every report I have seen on this stuff is it is really a great powder in quite a broad range of applications. Temperature sensitivity pretty linear and mild consistent with other powders. I'm really looking forward to trying it out.

I also am having trouble locating any and am not close to WA.
I and others have found it to be stable up until about ~84F then it climbs rapidly. If you can stay below that you are golden as it can really give you some huge velocity increases with great accuracy and low ES. In a couple cases I found magnum primers(215) shrunk the ES where 210's were above 24fps
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I am more concerned about low temps then high. A few people have told me that it was tested in there 7 saum, and when temps went below 25-30 things got weird.
It has never been weird for me at temps as low as -20. RL26 is about as stable as anything I've tested, but the only way you'll answer the question of temp stability is to test it. My testing in well developed loads has proved that RL26 is pretty dang solid.
I just read an article the other day where the author spoke with an atk rep, he called it "temp controlled" and said it's not "temp stable" like 23 or a few others.
He said it changed .5 fps per degree.
Wish I could remember where I found that article. He also said it is not the same as re25 like some people assume.

Anyone know who has 26 in stock? I can't find any locally or online

It's not as linear as .5 fps per degree. In my testing, it has shown single digit average velocity change between 15 and 80 degrees. Above and below that range is when I saw minor changes of no more than 20 fps. The temp stable range just happens to capture 99% of the temps I hunt in.
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