Reloder 26

Whould that Lapua data translate to the 338 Remington ultra mag?


It works well in the 338 RUM but it won't translate straight across. I'd expect the 338 RUM to fall somewhere around 3 grains less than the LM
Ok I got a chance to get to the range today to check out a few loads using RL26 and Hornady 143 ELDX bullets in my 6.5 Creedmoor.
26" barrel Nosler brass BR2 Primers 2.890"OAL
I tested with a Magnetospeed installed. Three shot groups. gun)

46gr. 2872 fps average vel. ES 13 SD 6.5
46.5gr 2908 fps average vel. ES 6 SD 3
47gr 2939 fps average vel. ES 10 SD 5.5
47.5gr 2954 fps average vel. ES 11 SD 5.85
48gr 2999 fps average vel. ES 12 SD 6.6
48.5gr 3029 fps average vel. ES 13 SD 6.65
49gr 3054 fps average vel. ES 19 SD 9.6 *
*this load was compressed I had to use a drop tube to get all the powder in.

48grs had best group of .216"ctc 49gr was not too bad at .567"ctc
group average center was same point of impact between 47.5 gr. and 49 gr.
I am going to work on loads up and down from 48 gr. and try longer and shorter COAL.
No sign of pressure observed and when I popped the primers from the 48.5 and 49 gr loads they were just as tight as the lightest load.
I will do all the rest of my load work up without the Magnetospeed installed and check velocity after I have arrived at the most accurate load.
Then I move on to distance.
Also I have 200 of the Nosler Accubond Long Range 142 gr bullets coming in to check out.
have you shot the accubonds yet?
Any one trying this powder in the 300 Win Mag?
Just started load work on my 300 Win Mag. I'll never hunt with it since it has a Wby Custom Deluxe walnut stock and it was my good friend's before he passed. I'm loading 168gr Sierra TMKs, Nosler brass and 215M primers. Too hot here in Az to shoot until I go up north to the mountains.
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