I was out one morning and saw a coyote jumping around in a snare caught by his midsection, the snare lock hadn't closed as fast as it should have. It wasn't my equipment, but I shot it anyway and left it there, a couple of days later just down the fence was a ewe caught dead in another snare. Again, I left them alone several weeks went by and they were still laying where they had been. In another fence I saw a coyote hanging dead, so I watched it, I first saw it in March, in June a rancher called me and asked me when I was going to take the coyote out of the boundary fence. I explained that it wasn't my snare and who's it was. He called his neighbor and told him that he had me take his trappers coyote out of the fence that it had been there awhile. His trapper got mad and told him it hadn't been there as long as he was told it had been I got called by the neighbor and cussed out for stirring sh08 and lying about his trapper and told that I was under no circumstances to ever put a snare in the boundary fences that bordered him. A few weeks later I was at a board meeting and one of the ranchers started yelling at me about causing his trapper trouble as the area supervisor had chewed him out for smoking in his work truck. I had never been in his truck, but he blamed it on me and said it was me that had smoked in his truck, I had stopped smoking by then any way. In the next year we had a lot of changes made to the regulations concerning snaring and fence lines. Then I was out and found several m-44's that hadn't been checked or picked up and got a call from another guy who asked me if I had some of his m-44's and some of his foot hold traps. No, I don't if you remember back, you borrowed some of mine and some of my traps and never returned them. That's why you are supposed to keep a listing and logs of placements and checks, why do you think that I called you and asked you about finding some m-44's laying in the road or one that a coyote had dropped when I snared it. No, I am not perfect, but I try to do the best that I can not to cause problems. My job was to eliminate problem not create them. It is things like this that cause all of us to lose some of the things that we use to our advantage in our line of work. I ran into a guy the other day that I had worked with he said you probably wouldn't like me now, I'm the safety guy, I said you know what that's mostly a thankless job I don't envy you at all, but we need you guys every one of the safety guidelines we have, and all of the laws have been written in someone's blood. So, then my friend called me and said with all of the butt heads running around now I see why you went ahead and retired, you don't have to struggle with that kind of stuff now. Most of the guys that I used to work with have retired or gone on to other jobs now, and a lot of the problem children have been told to move on to other horizons, but the damage they caused is still there for others to deal with sadly. I lied in the previous post I wasn't done stumping, but I am now lol yes I do preach to the people that already know.