Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

It depends on where you are if you are close to a rattle snake den they are very plentiful. The bull snakes and hognose are moving closer to the water sources. the water snakes and garter snakes are plentiful near the river and creeks. I enjoy watching the young birds catching the insects. I jumped a hen sage grouse with her hatch of chicks, they looked like greenish fuzzy golf balls on toothpicks running after the grasshoppers. Are your turkey Oceola? The humidity was high yesterday at 40 percent in the morning but down to the mid-teens in the afternoon. this morning it was 24 and this afternoon it was at 11. I never could adjust to higher humidity even when I was overseas for long periods of time or on the ocean, when my dungarees would dry at night, they would turn white from all the salt in my sweat a lot of water and electrolytes, know when to take a rest it really sux to have heat problems. At that time, they used to push salt tabs 2 an hour was what was recommended, now we know better than that, and they have better things. All stay safe and be aware of the temperatures and other weather conditions.
lol humidity @ 80%
Rain almost everyday, bad flooding
With all the humidity and rain causing flooding you and yours take care Jiggyli. I am sure glad we aren't even close to that much moisture or humidity. It looks a little different than I have seen it before. The higher temps and winds are drying the grass' out, but we got some hard rains that greened it up near the ground, so we have a mixture of browns, tans and greens.
With all the humidity and rain causing flooding you and yours take care Jiggyli. I am sure glad we aren't even close to that much moisture or humidity. It looks a little different than I have seen it before. The higher temps and winds are drying the grass' out, but we got some hard rains that greened it up near the ground, so we have a mixture of browns, tans and greens.
lol Mr Dave, I wish I lived where you are! I should’ve moved out west 30 years ago like I wanted to!
My parents moved me from Glenrock Wyoming to Southern Indiana in 1960, the day I got there I told them I'm not staying here any longer than I have to, and I didn't. This was my home then and still is, every place has it's good and bad, it's just a matter of what we decide we want out of them, and for me Wyoming had the most to offer. I hope that we each and every one of us had a good, safe, and healthy Independence Day, took a few minutes to reflect on our freedoms and how we got them, spent some time with friends and family, and are ready to go back to safeguarding our way of life and our families with our daily chores.

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