Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

It depends on where you are if you are close to a rattle snake den they are very plentiful. The bull snakes and hognose are moving closer to the water sources. the water snakes and garter snakes are plentiful near the river and creeks. I enjoy watching the young birds catching the insects. I jumped a hen sage grouse with her hatch of chicks, they looked like greenish fuzzy golf balls on toothpicks running after the grasshoppers. Are your turkey Oceola? The humidity was high yesterday at 40 percent in the morning but down to the mid-teens in the afternoon. this morning it was 24 and this afternoon it was at 11. I never could adjust to higher humidity even when I was overseas for long periods of time or on the ocean, when my dungarees would dry at night, they would turn white from all the salt in my sweat a lot of water and electrolytes, know when to take a rest it really sux to have heat problems. At that time, they used to push salt tabs 2 an hour was what was recommended, now we know better than that, and they have better things. All stay safe and be aware of the temperatures and other weather conditions.
lol humidity @ 80%
Rain almost everyday, bad flooding
With all the humidity and rain causing flooding you and yours take care Jiggyli. I am sure glad we aren't even close to that much moisture or humidity. It looks a little different than I have seen it before. The higher temps and winds are drying the grass' out, but we got some hard rains that greened it up near the ground, so we have a mixture of browns, tans and greens.
With all the humidity and rain causing flooding you and yours take care Jiggyli. I am sure glad we aren't even close to that much moisture or humidity. It looks a little different than I have seen it before. The higher temps and winds are drying the grass' out, but we got some hard rains that greened it up near the ground, so we have a mixture of browns, tans and greens.
lol Mr Dave, I wish I lived where you are! I should've moved out west 30 years ago like I wanted to!
My parents moved me from Glenrock Wyoming to Southern Indiana in 1960, the day I got there I told them I'm not staying here any longer than I have to, and I didn't. This was my home then and still is, every place has it's good and bad, it's just a matter of what we decide we want out of them, and for me Wyoming had the most to offer. I hope that we each and every one of us had a good, safe, and healthy Independence Day, took a few minutes to reflect on our freedoms and how we got them, spent some time with friends and family, and are ready to go back to safeguarding our way of life and our families with our daily chores.
My wife and I wandered down to Colorado again yesterday. I noticed that where there had been some localized rains and or hailstorms that some new green grass was sprouting. It's an interesting patch work of greens and browns now. On our way back we saw a heard of elk cows of maybe 30-40 that had wandered down from the mountains, probably in search of food. It wasn't as bad as being in Yellowstone Park nobody stopped on the road to take their picture, thankfully. I am always amazed by the large numbers of people that can't quite grasp the concept of the animals in the park not being like their pets and want to get closer than they should. Let me do a little comparison what do you think it would feel like to be hit by a small car traveling at 30 miles per hour with some sharp metal sticking out of it and that's kind of what it would be like when a bison hits you, but it has the intent of stomping you in the ground not just running over you and leaving. Yup preaching to the ones that already know and those that don't won't listen even if they heard me. I haven't seen the numbers of antelope fawns this year that I am used to seeing, their numbers are down but the adults look pretty good, in my area. A few months ago, I talked about making some new springs for an old double-barreled shotgun, it's a good thing that I enjoy doing that kind of stuff I've been asked if I would look at doing the same thing for another one sometime. I might have to charge at least a six pack of coke this time lol instead of just one coke, or maybe a beer, I haven't had one since last August. I was thinking that things were going to slow down for me this month but am now thinking I was just daydreaming, it hasn't when did I have time for a job? Hay Dave, can I buy one of these propane gas fittings? this one is egg shaped, it was stuck in the regulator and when I used my adjustable wrench to get it out it bent. Just a minute I have an extra one and I have some vibra tight for the threads and let's use a good box end wrench or a socket. I do have some wrenches they call line wrenches as well if you have a steel or copper line in your fitting. How do you know all this stuff Dave? I'm old and I didn't get this way just sitting around. My dad's old and he doesn't know this stuff, yes but he lived a different life and wasn't exposed to things that I was. Dam I'm glad I have a Dave to help me. And I just thought that I had my kids raised! I enjoy it or I wouldn't offer to help them !!!!!
Dave ,

You are a good man for helping others .

It has always been amusing to me to watch people , some of whom are very intelligent , try to work with hand-tools when they have never had any experience in the use of those tools .
They never seem to grasp the concept that :
#1 - Certain jobs/tasks require specific tools , such as your mentioning Line Wrenches/Tubing Wrenches . Open-end wrenches will often spread slightly , causing the nut to be "Rounded-Off".
#2 - Bolt heads and nuts are of specific sizes , whether in US or Metric sizing , and wrenches and sockets MUST be the proper size to match
#3 - Bolts and nuts should be tightened to certain torque levels . Over-tightening can stretch the threads or break the bolts or studs .

You obviously have the ability , knowledge , and intelligence to look at a problem , envision what needs to be done to repair/rectify the situation , and the skills to manufacture/fabricate parts that are necessary to complete the repair .

When you help others , if those people watch what you are doing so that they may learn from you , or they offer to help you in other tasks that they are better trained than you , then you all are better for your interactions .
Dave ,

You are a good man for helping others .

It has always been amusing to me to watch people , some of whom are very intelligent , try to work with hand-tools when they have never had any experience in the use of those tools .
They never seem to grasp the concept that :
#1 - Certain jobs/tasks require specific tools , such as your mentioning Line Wrenches/Tubing Wrenches . Open-end wrenches will often spread slightly , causing the nut to be "Rounded-Off".
#2 - Bolt heads and nuts are of specific sizes , whether in US or Metric sizing , and wrenches and sockets MUST be the proper size to match
#3 - Bolts and nuts should be tightened to certain torque levels . Over-tightening can stretch the threads or break the bolts or studs .

You obviously have the ability , knowledge , and intelligence to look at a problem , envision what needs to be done to repair/rectify the situation , and the skills to manufacture/fabricate parts that are necessary to complete the repair .

When you help others , if those people watch what you are doing so that they may learn from you , or they offer to help you in other tasks that they are better trained than you , then you all are better for your interactions .
Very well put!
Do any of you Coyote , Varmint hunters have any experience with the new electronic "FREQ" game call that was first offered for sale earlier this year , 2024 ?
It was designed by Gary Roberson , of the Burnham Brothers Game Calls family , and is produced and marketed out of Menard , Texas .

I have watched his TV program "Carnivore" , where Gary Roberson had been field testing this caller for most of the year of 2022 and 2023 , and his results seem to be quite impressive .
Several of the programs showed sound-laboratory testing of the output frequencies of various electronic game calls versus the new "FREQ" call , and said that special sound generating equipment had to be manufactured to produce the extreme high-frequency sounds that this new electronic call emits .

My question about this "New Technology" game call is : How are these ultra-high frequency sounds produced to be recorded by the sound laboratory that are programmed into the "FREQ" game call ?

Would you think that live animals , in distress , were recorded by the special ultra-high frequency sound equipment in order to capture and re-create these sounds ?

Or , is it possible , that these sounds were produced by hand-held , mouth-blown callers being used by "Masters" , who always achieve successful results , regularly contribute helpful information and entertaining stories about years of Coyote hunting and control , here in this thread "Ramblings and Such from Hunting Coyote" ????

I cast my vote in favor of our "Coyote Masters" !!!!

Thank You for the complement It means a lot to me. It's the way that I was raised by a generation that knew hardships and helped each other when needed. If I have food and you are hungry, we will eat at my house, if I need help branding calves, I know that you will help me, and I will help you plow and plant your garden. That was the world that I grew up in, it's not that way in some areas now my sister-in-law doesn't even know her neighbor's names sadly, and she has lived there for ten years. My wife is always telling me you need to stop talking to strangers, nah I just say hello and how are you today some reply and some don't, but most are happy to say they are doing well and how are you back. I asked a young guy once if he had learned anything by posting pictures of his dog fighting a bobcat on the internet. Yes, that the world is full of as90602s, you didn't learn not to post that kind of pictures? Nope !!! You might have looked at it the wrong way then so you may want to think twice when you post those pictures. He didn't learn and ended up getting fired because of his attitude.
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I looked at the price of them and decided that I couldn't afford one for my use. I believe that it's not only the upper frequencies that you need but also the ultra-low frequencies. As an example, look at the sounds that elephants and whales communicate with over very long distances. Look at some of the studies of the hearing range of the canine animals. Ours is a very limited range of frequencies that we actually pay attention to in our world today, look at some of the so-called primitive peoples and pay attention to the things that they hear that we don't have a clue about. For the average hunter and caller, they really don't need the abilities of the FREQ, but then a lot of people don't really need to pay a lot of money for a standard e-caller either no more than they are able to find the time to get out for doing it. Just my opinion and my opinion has been known to differ from others on a few occasions.