Sounds good Tim. I like to take a 7 1/2 min map of my hunting area, and mark all the info down on it that I can about the deer in the area. If your like me, you have several such areas, and trying to keep track in my head of all the beds, rubs, favorite feeding areas, favorite watering spots, ect. ect.. Just can't do it. I have areas that I might not see for a couple of years so I commit the info to a plastic laminated map. Deer are cratures of habit. They will continue to use favorite spots for there entire lives. Its said that does will spend there entire lives in a 1 1/2 mile radius depending on food/water availability and not being bumped or scared off. I think also, when doe's come into heat, they also know where the boys are. Knowing females of "other" species, I can't be made to believe that they will settle for someone less then what they want! They can also "advertise" by urinating in selected scrapes. I would also say that bigger mature bucks leave more sign as in scrapes and rubs. If you happen into an area where you can just look around and see 3 or 4 rubs within site of each other, whereupon looking around you find even more, your within the home range of a dominent mature buck who is not afraid to advertise his dominece. Sr90- I would say that "still hunting" is not a very effective way to hunt whitetails. They are masters of the brush. I would like to save you many years of disapointment if this is your objective. Not saying it cant be done, its just much much easier to get 'em from a stand. That is if you are after an older buck. Doe's are always easy to get. No challenge. littletoes.