Old Black Buck Down

You did a great job with the story. Kept me interested all the way through. :) Congrats on taking that fine trophy. It looks great on the wall, and I'll bet those steaks were excellent! :)

Regards, Guy
I have found some of my most memerable hunts come when I carry the guns of my grandfathers or close family freinds. Makes me feel like they are on the hunt with me. I killed a buck I had trailed for several days with my grandfathers bolt action JC Higgins 12 gauge goose gun. I had climed a tree in the swamp in our old Pinetown NC farm and mid morning he walked by at 20 yards. A quick 2 shots (second was not needed) of buck shot and I had 19 of the 20 pellets in the bread box. He did not carry it off. Still have the rack in my manhouse. Has a flat "blade" that sticks out on base of the antlers that was destroying trees as he made his rubs. This hunt was 35 years ago, but I still relive it regularly.
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