Since I have never bedded an action or barrel, I was wondering if you should torque the bedding screws when you put the action into the "wet" bedding compound? It seems that if you torqued them to spec, that would allow the bedding compound to maybe shrink away from the action??? When it does dry, it might not still be in contact with the action, leaving a space and not have the action fully seated.. Should you only "fingertighten" the screws, then when the compound dries, and you torque the screws to specs (60 in lbs), it will be in full contact?? OR am I way off?
If you torque the screws, pulling the action tight into the stock, you have defeated the purpose of bedding it. The action will have full contact with the epoxy but it won't be relaxed. If you removed material to make room for the epoxy, the action will likely be under more stress than before you started, especially if you have a block in the stock.