I did two or three back in my early 20;s. Like Dr Vette said, the thinking was to flip the rifle upside down, mine was tied with surgical tubbing. Now I'm going to say something here and I know I will get blasted for saying this. But here Goes. I bedded my Inter Arm's Mannlicher stocked 20inch barrel, in 30 -06 almost to the very end of the stocks barrel channel. I tried the Richards Micro fit bedding back in the early 80's, Cleaned all the metal applied release agent from my Accuglass kits, roughed up the bedding with a tiny chisel and rough sand paper, and applied the Bedding . It was a lot like thick dark brown tooth paste. I thought that it IF it didn't shoot well, I could always remove the bedding from the barrel channel, and float the barrel. Not a big deal, However It shot really well. IT has stayed like that to this day. The little deer rifle has given me many tiny three shoot 100 yd groups. Yes, Sub MOA . I never shoot the Rifle so much and so fast that the barrel will heat up. Cold bore shots are usually just fine. Ok , I just wanted to share this experience, let the Punches in the head begin.