New Reloder

Right on! 25-06 is an awesome deer rifle. Filled my freezer many times over with my trusty B78 falling block. When your ready for more velocity in 25 caliber, pick up a 257 Weatherby in a Vanguard. There are some awesome 6.5 options out there to consider. I have several Howa/Vanguard rifles that all shoot sub-minute accuracy with my handloads. I have several wildcats that require forming cases.My advice, leave those alone until you move up the learning curve.
1 st post

Im new to reloading, like just got my press new. I shoot a TC pro hunter and want a 25-06 Ai. I'm going Hunt deer, coyotes and if a black bear presents a opportunity them too. I'm in VT so the typical shot is under 100 yards but up to 400 where I am. Should I skip the Ai for now stick with the standard 25-06
Keep things simple.
I guess is the Ai not something someone new should jump right on or go for it there's plenty to learn
Also is the 1-7.5 twist the way to go
Even if I get the standard chamber?

thanks in advance
Welcome to this forum!
Here you will find information on all facets of reloading by individuals who are very knowledgeable indeed.
So please just ask all your questions and you will receive a ton of information with response to your questions

Again may I extend to you and yours a happy and safe NEW YEAR !
All well said. With the usual available bullets, and with their BCs running in the .390-.480 range, I find maximizing point blank hunting range more useful than trying to make this excellent caliber a truly "long range" enterprise...
There is much fun to be had and much to learn from maximizing the 25-06 in its standard form. I find it a real pleasure to work with...
Thank you all What a warm welcome, This is why I posted here everyone seems to care and wants to help.
I have 2 daughters 3&8 so range time is limited but, My daughters love their 22s already though so that's a win. I got my wife going too! I got them hunting with me also this year it was so exciting for them( and me) when we saw game. All 3 of them love to fish! I'm one lucky dad!

Thank you all again &
Happy new year
Thank you all What a warm welcome, This is why I posted here everyone seems to care and wants to help.
I have 2 daughters 3&8 so range time is limited but, My daughters love their 22s already though so that's a win. I got my wife going too! I got them hunting with me also this year it was so exciting for them( and me) when we saw game. All 3 of them love to fish! I'm one lucky dad!

Thank you all again &
Happy new year
That's just wonderful.
Keep them all encouraged, as at that age interests rapidly change!
As far as 22's go, due to a component shortage of handloading items i.e. powder, brass, bullets and primers in order to keep up with my skill sets I have reverted to the 22 and 22 magnum caliber weapons in conjunction with the scaled down usage regimen of my high power rifles.
This will allow me to continue with my self appointed shooting schedule!
Happy Shooting as the family that trains together stays together
( especially so during an emergency)
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