My thoughts on solid copper bullets and in comparison to other bullet types.

Many things are popular on other forums that you won't see here...and many things are popular here that you won't see on other forums.
Yup this is true. You'll get different performance reports also. So i look at the source as well as the data or information.
No pictures will be in my book that I do not have express permission to use, nor names, nor quotes.. Have no fear.

That picture you asked about is my own. It was a whitetail deer, shot by a Barnes TTSX.

I hope that answers your question and clears that up. Good day, Brett.

Gday @Petey308
Thanks for the clarification

I just had trouble working out what's going on when I've been told by a particular person we both know ( actually have the picture among others & a completely different position / outcome put forward along with the full dialog of conversation) I even contacted Nathan to try & clear my head on what was going on to find out if he was aware of particular people & some of the things going on
I got my answer in the usual Nathan style for which I thanked him in a weird Aussie way of wallabies & all blacks 🤪
Yes it definitely cleared my head & picture

This is what is a problem in this world when we have keyboard warriors that insight a lot of hatred towards a particular person or company becomes apparent yes imo I understand that & cuts both ways but when I look @ the so called professionalism of a certain individual it means jack now as does their results even the Facebook group page clearly has the rules spelled out & # 7 is my favourite
so please pass my regards onto him as I doubt I'm on his Xmas card list lol

I'm guessing by the good day Brett our conversations are over which is a pity if so ill leave you with these thoughts & parting gift , maybe you already have so accept my apology if you have

On evolution of monos & different types ( shedding or mushroom variety) that may help you in your book so a little research on the following as I haven't seen you mention them
GPA was the first shedding variety I used back in the 1990's with fairly good results with pretty narrow velocity range for the better results but improved results on the original Barnes was a pretty short range pill & not many weights to optimise different chamberings , shooting range & resistances
2nd is mushroom type
OEP a Aussie mono & one with mixed results with velocity limits on both ends to try & maximise killing this one the copper is one that I'd not seen used before & more pliable than brittle yet push hard enough & only a shank left
Once again imo others no doubt will vary

I wish you the best no offence intended & we both have our favourite brands which is cool
look forward to your hammer journey when it comes & book of course

For everyone else petey308 & I know what we are talking about & whom & im more than happy to leave it @ that if he wants but no control over that side sorry & not my fault if the thread is shut down / deleted then I may be bias lol please a joke people
Stay safe shoot straight & hope I'm back to my rabbit hole soon no doubt like a lot of you are thinking 🤔
Barbour Creek 6.5 140 RDF and ELDM. I'm wondering if the RDF's would perform better terminally if the tips were cleared. I'm assuming they weren't.
RDF.... random dang flyers as we call them in
Yes I heard that. I've also seen that people had good results with them. Their sponsored PRS shooters have been winning with them so I wonder what the deal is.
I have no idea either. I was excited to try it out when I first heard of it. When I saw guys running around with big bags attached to the rifles I got less interested. I guess I'm getting old and grumpy lol.
Bags attached, what's up with that?? At 70 yo, heavy guns are definitely out for this young man. In my younger years had it been available I will probably do it with sling.
Is there an X ring in PRS? Have no idea.
I used to shoot a lot of IDPA and other competitions. When people were telling me this is "tactical" and that is "tactical" I got less interested. I'd think "is this what I would do in real life?". So I accrued a lot of penalties lol. If something isn't what I'd use in real life I don't get too involved anymore. But competitions definitely are good for developing skills.
Bags attached, what's up with that?? At 70 yo, heavy guns are definitely out for this young man. If I were young man, I will probably do it with sling.
That's what I still use, sling with keepers and a wedge. Shooting sticks with my backpack as a rear rest. If possible prone or kneeling.
That's what I still use, sling with keepers and a wedge. Shooting sticks with my backpack as a rear rest. If possible prone or kneeling.

Love it.

Sling never handicapped me. Believe it or not, I accomplished all my service rifle goals using GI web slings.. I said, slings, I lost count how many I frayed beyond useable.

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