My thoughts on solid copper bullets and in comparison to other bullet types.

I've been told that if I do sxs comparison that that would be kin to bad mouthing another bullet to make mine look better. I have plans to do a sxs comparison with a lead core of great reputation. Not sure I should do it.
That can be a double edged sword imo. I'd say the safer and more unbiased route would be to list all the materials, conditions ete of your tests and let others match the tests for a comparison. Much like a scientific study post the criteria and the findings and let others duplicate or run the same, or other bullets of same caliber and weight for an comparison. If the conditions don't match then the other tests aren't a good comparison.
Since this is a thread on all bullets then pictures, test, videos of other bullets can be, and should be posted so we can see the the characteristics of bullets available today.
I've been told that if I do sxs comparison that that would be kin to bad mouthing another bullet to make mine look better. I have plans to do a sxs comparison with a lead core of great reputation. Not sure I should do it.
That would be a conflict of interest, However to have a video of your own bullets at whatever minimum speed would be useful. I would say the same for Barnes as I have some 190 gr LRX in 308. I also have some 181 hh in 308.
That would be a conflict of interest, However to have a video of your own bullets at whatever minimum speed would be useful. I would say the same for Barnes as I have some 190 gr LRX in 308. I also have some 181 hh in 308.
They have been many Hammers tested down to the 1800fps threshold and they performed as described
They have been many Hammers tested down to the 1800fps threshold and they performed as described
I dont doubt it. I would just like to see a video for comparison sake. I have seen pictures of barnes, But there seems to be a lack of video of say cutting edge bullets working at 1600fps and others. I know gel is not the best indicator but it is useful for direct comparison.
not entirely, Some hunters may just be a great shot, some may entirely miss the animal. Without knowing the situation and details it just like numbers, you can make them say what you want.
You are correct! But testing done by manufacturers can be “fixed”
And most bullet will perform well when shot in optimum conditions. I want to see what happens when not so perfect hunters use them. I am not a perfect hunter, I want to see what happens in different scenarios
You are correct! But testing done by manufacturers can be “fixed”
And most bullet will perform well when shot in optimum conditions. I want to see what happens when not so perfect hunters use them. I am not a perfect hunter, I want to see what happens in different scenarios
yes, They will always present their product in the best possible light, Which if they are a good manufacture they will have available all the data that they used to get their result. I am not discounting other peoples opinions, I am just saying that perhaps more data should be used than anecdotal evidence.
yes, They will always present their product in the best possible light, Which if they are a good manufacture they will have available all the data that they used to get their result. I am not discounting other peoples opinions, I am just saying that perhaps more data should be used than anecdotal evidence.
So perhaps we should form an independent organization for testing! Ask every manufacturer to fund it and we collect random samples from the open market
I am sure some people remember the pinto and the corvair to name a couple
Well, maybe you could hire Aaron:

Except that wouldn't solve the unbiased qualification.
I am not looking to hire anyone, I am happy with listening to hunters, making my judgement, developing a load and see how it perfroms with MY abilities. That is why I am on this and a few other forums, to learn from actual sportsmen. Do I believe everything? What do you think?
I am not looking to hire anyoen, I am happy with listening to hunters, making my judgement, developing a load and see how it perfroms with MY abilities. That is why I am on this and a few other forums, to learn from actual sportsment. Do I believe everything? What do you think?
Lots of manufacturers do it. As in promoting their own tests and customer reviews. Pretty standard in the industry. They have some instructive value but should be taken with a grain of salt. I don't hire anyone. Like you, I pay attention to other trustworthy and competent sportsmen along with my own observations and experiences. Real world results trump theories every time.

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