My thoughts on solid copper bullets and in comparison to other bullet types.

Lumping my product into generalities is a personal attack on me. It is the reason this thread was started. There is no doubt on that.
If you truly think this thread was made as an attack on you, or Hammer bullets, you’re sadly mistaken. I had no idea you were even on this forum when I made this post. So let me clear that up right away. I had no idea there was so much back and forth about Hammer bullets at all on here when I made this post. I was given some heads up to be careful about certain subjects, but that’s it. It’s gone completely sideways ever since. I really don’t even get it.
If you want to take it that way that's your prerogative. Or you can take on a specific issue listed on your product. IMO there is a difference between the product and the person. But I can understand you wanting to protect your product and business. I just feel you'd be better off taking on the issue rather than taking it personal. Just my opinion.
What issue? I'm all about that. If there is an issue with Hammers, other than "I don't want lrh to be about Hammers.", Let's get going.
What issue? I'm all about that. If there is an issue with Hammers, other than "I don't want lrh to be about Hammers.", Let's get going.
If you have an issue with something that was written on here about your bullets then go after that specific thing. So say you see something that is a characteristic written or voiced on your bullet then go after that specific point of contention.
If you truly think this thread was made as an attack on you, or Hammer bullets, you’re sadly mistaken. I had no idea you were even on this forum when I made this post. So let me clear that up right away. I had no idea there was so much back and forth about Hammer bullets at all on here when I made this post. I was given some heads up to be careful about certain subjects, but that’s it. It’s gone completely sideways ever since. I really don’t even get it.
Brother, stay on your course; we all know your good intentions in sharing information. Keep up the excellent work.

What issue? I'm all about that. If there is an issue with Hammers, other than "I don't want lrh to be about Hammers.", Let's get going.
When you see a post/comment you feel is negative towards your bullets, you have a tendency to go after the person that said it and to try to discredit them, rather than simply correcting what you think is wrong, and why. You say most of what I say is wrong, but rather than explaining what and why, you throw out accusations against me. Is that helpful? I know who I am and what I do or don’t do and I can take it if someone wants to form their own opinion of me, even if it’s unsubstantiated.

I’ve said it multiple times in multiple posts that I have nothing against your bullets and that I do not disagree that they work. I have no vendetta against you. I’m not trying to see you fail. I do not get the animosity and the fight here. Why can’t it just be a discussion and an opportunity for hunters to learn? If I’m wrong, I want to know and I’d like to get the correct way of thinking. I definitely do not want to steer anyone wrong. That would be the opposite of my intent here.
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Brother, stay on your course; we all know your good intentions in sharing information. Keep up the excellent work.

If my memory serves me right, you were invited to test them, then they will try to discount your results before you even begin. hmm....I wonder why.....or maybe I know why....
Just report your findings, good, bad, or irrelevant...
Like some of us said, we are waiting for your book
Brother, stay on your course; we all know your good intentions in sharing information. Keep up the excellent work.

Thanks. I won’t be swayed, but if I’m wrong I’m not too proud to admit it and change my way of thinking. I want to be successful out there hunting and if I’m going to attempt to share information, I’d prefer if it was correct lol. I know I still have much to learn and keep an open mind.
Thanks. I won’t be swayed, but if I’m wrong I’m not too proud to admit it and change my way of thinking. I want to be successful out there hunting and if I’m going to attempt to share information, I’d prefer if it was correct lol. I know I still have much to learn and keep an open mind.
Remain focused, have an open mind, and be civil/respectful, and you'll be just fine. We have a lot of good people that are willing and able to learn and share information. I am sure they are all capable of making their own decisions. BRRRRRRRT!
Yes, every bullet does have its limitations. Its our responsibility to understand that as a reloader and responsible hunter when we select a bullet for the animal hunting scenario we choose. Its when a bullet is selected and likely used outside its accepted performance is when 💩 happens. Manufacturers do pretty decent job providing bullet specs. Its our responsibility to read and understand which is ansolutely NO different than reading load data for a bullet. This data goes hand in hand and cannot be dismissed as not relevant when making a bullet decision. Maybe the real issue is failure of the individual in understanding overall reloading concepts. Improving this knowledge may be a better approach?

The fact is, as much as you’d THINK we all should know and be experienced here, not everyone is very experienced or actually understands all the ins and outs. Mistakes happen every year- preventable mistakes. How many animals still get maimed every year? How many animals are lost on hunts still every year?

People will make all sorts of mistakes just because they will choose designated target bullet accuracy over hunting bullet performance. That will never change. IMO, the inexperienced folks actually tend to make better bullet decisions based upon their recognition to use what is normally accepted and not get out into the weeds with their decisions.

However, IMO, the more experienced you are, you sometimes get out into the weeds using bullets maybe outside their accepted performance design because you think you know better. Then there is "this will do ok" attitude for many different reasons will not change. Those who choose a bullet that is not normally associated with that use, know that.

I like to be more positive and believe the bullet for animal decision making process is much better than being portrayed.

Will it ever be perfect? Probably not. But I do believe bullet performance knowledge can be improved just by improving understand the bullet you selected has defined limitations by the manufacturer.

BTW, my comment on backyard testing was not specifically directed at you although it can be construed as such. It was toward all the YT crap out there. That was unfortunate.
BTW, my comment on backyard testing was not specifically directed at you although it can be construed as such. It was toward all the YT crap out there. That was unfortunate.
I didn’t figure you were singling me out there, but I just wanted to touch on it and clarify nonetheless.

Overall, I agree with your comment. There’s a lot that goes into it, and a lot that can be blamed for both success and failure, and mistakes made. Hopefully we learn from them.
Yes, every bullet does have its limitations. Its our responsibility to understand that as a reloader and responsible hunter when we select a bullet for the animal hunting scenario we choose. Its when a bullet is selected and likely used outside its accepted performance is when 💩 happens. Manufacturers do pretty decent job providing bullet specs. Its our responsibility to read and understand which is ansolutely NO different than reading load data for a bullet. This data goes hand in hand and cannot be dismissed as not relevant when making a bullet decision. Maybe the real issue is failure of the individual in understanding overall reloading concepts. Improving this knowledge may be a better approach?

People will make all sorts of mistakes just because they will choose designated target bullet accuracy over hunting bullet performance. That will never change. IMO, the inexperienced folks actually tend to make better bullet decisions based upon their recognition to use what is normally accepted and not get out into the weeds with their decisions.

However, IMO, the more experienced you are, you sometimes get out into the weeds using bullets maybe outside their accepted performance design because you think you know better. Then there is "this will do ok" attitude for many different reasons will not change. Those who choose a bullet that is not normally associated with that use, know that.

I like to be more positive and believe the bullet for animal decision making process is much better than being portrayed.

Will it ever be perfect? Probably not. But I do believe bullet performance knowledge can be improved just by improving understand the bullet you selected has defined limitations by the manufacturer.

BTW, my comment on backyard testing was not specifically directed at you although it can be construed as such. It was toward all the YT crap out there. That was unfortunate.
Brother Craig,

The big difference is you have the wisdom, knowledge, and open-mindedness to be respectful of others' differing stances - civil discussions create a conducive learning environment for us all. Cheers!

What is sad to me is that, I am on the Nosler Forum, SigForum, and snipershide forum. Don't tell me those forums do not have passionate people, but I have never seen personal attacks. Maybe I am not there often enough and not seen them, but I don't remember any. Here seems to becoming more common.
I just remember I am a guest of Len, and also thank him for the "ignore" option. That way, if I cant read something, I will not say anything my mother wouldn't like.
I am here to learn and share...