Meet “Whiteshoes”

No disrespect to those that do this, but I honestly get kind of tired of the hunting shows and people naming the animals that they get on camera like they are humans or pets, and then they just go on to kill them later that fall or the following year.

In this case, it seems that Ol' Whiteshoes is a pet to some degree and she's really good at pumping out the fawns. The "shoes" are so cool. Great story and thanks for sharing. "Long live Whiteshoes!"
Growing up our neighbor had a 3 legged doe they saved after a she got hit by a car. Every season we spray painted "DO NOT SHOOT" on her. She used to follow me up into the woods when I went hunting, just like a dog. She lived to be 6 or 7 before some jack!@$%^ shot her. He bragged about it and the "owner" John Berry was a BIG dude and temperamental....he beat that fella nearly to death. Literally put him in ICU

This is Whiteshoes. She has been on mine and my neighbor's property for I think, going on 5 years now. She has produced 10 fawns in that time and has 2 this year. We've decided that this girl deserves a pass and agreed she's off limits. We want to see how long she stays with us and we are happy to have her here. That said, if she wanders off our properties, all bets are off.

Anyway, I think all of you respect and are thankful for the animals you harvest. In this case, we have decided to extend our respect one step further. Long live Whiteshoes!

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Good job!
If she wonders over this way, I would let her walk also :cool: