Magneto speed sporter?

I'm looking at the sporter also but have a question-
What is the difference between this and the V3 at $380?
Is it worth the additional 200 bucks or should I just get a sporter?
Shooting a braked 300rum. Thanks for any input!
The main difference is the interface and functionality, particularly if you want to connect to a phone or PC. Otherwise the basic functionality is pretty much the same. I got the Sporter because I didn't think the extra cost of the V3 was justified personally.
Tommo64 and Birdiemc,
Thanks for confirming what I thought, I'll be getting the cheap one!

It works great, but as others have will change your point of impact and i do not trust shooting groups with it on. IMO that has to be a separate process. With the one gun I've used it on so far, poi changes 2 MOA.
It works great, but as others have will change your point of impact and i do not trust shooting groups with it on. IMO that has to be a separate process. With the one gun I've used it on so far, poi changes 2 MOA.
That has been my experience also. Like you say, use the Magnetospeed to measure bullet velocities and try to find a node, then shoot for groups with that load. That's the process I use.
That has been my experience also. Like you say, use the Magnetospeed to measure bullet velocities and try to find a node, then shoot for groups with that load. That's the process I use.

I haven't brought myself to trust it for shooting ladders yet. Since ladders are all about harmonics and having a weight strapped to the barrel will change harmonics. I may try with and without sometime to see if nodes are in the same spot
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