Magneto speed sporter?

I still get same size groups with this big weight dangling off the end, just in a different spot, if I remember correctly it's about 8" high. In fact before bedded my recoil lug it shot better with it than without, which led me to start researching tuners
hello friends, Ms. Clause asked me what i would like for Christmas. I need a chrono that i can use at my local indoor range for load development. Any reason i should not have her grab this for me? None of my current barrels are larger than 1 inch in diameter. Thanx

Bought one about 3 years ago and have enjoyed it. Easy to use on my rifles. No cumbersome set up at the range. CDS dials and range charts developed from FPS readings are accurate to 600 yards (the maximum at the range I use). Since I limit my hunting shots to 500 yards, I'm very satisfied. However, a limitation, as others have mentioned, point of impact and scatter can be affected. My rifles (300 WM and 270 win) shoot 6 to 8 inches high with it attached, and group sizes are wider.
Ok guys, this maybe an off the wall question about the Magneto speed chrono but has anyone used these with black powder cartridge? I shoot a Sharps and a Rolling Block and like everyone else test different components (primer, brand of powder, bullets - etc) and want to see the difference in speed. Does the excess smoke have any effect on these? Setting up the old style, especially if your by yourself is a pain. Plus the size make it interesting. I can pack it in my range bag and not have something addition case to unload/load when setting up/breaking down.

Never got any response from here or the company. MidWayUSA had them on sale a while back so I bought one to try. Yes the do work with the old black powder cartridges. But Lord a mercy, after about 5 rounds you need to clean the blasted thing. Oh yea, black powder is DIRTY!
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I completely ignored the internet gurus and the mfr and strap mine onto my suppressor all the time, so dont be fooled by the 1" thing. You should like it pretty well. I got the adapter to be able to connect to my phone, tried on 4 different phones and a couple tablets, none worked. So I just sit there with pen and paper and take notes as I shoot. No big deal... but I think the V3 is supposed to have a much better user interface
The phone adaptor for the Sporter is finicky to say the least. You have to have the volume turned way up for it to work properly. Like you, I just do it old school with pen and paper. Love the Magnetospeed though.
I used mine yesterday on my braked 300 rum in a partially enclosed shooting cover with a labradar in front by a foot and off to the right. They were within 10fps of each other when the LR was out front, but after moving right next to barrel, they were within 1fps. Very impressed. You'll want the extra cable to hook up to a phone or ipad. Makes sorting very easy
The phone adaptor for the Sporter is finicky to say the least. You have to have the volume turned way up for it to work properly. Like you, I just do it old school with pen and paper. Love the Magnetospeed though.
My cable works great. Never had an issue hooking it up to my ipad.
I used mine yesterday on my braked 300 rum in a partially enclosed shooting cover with a labradar in front by a foot and off to the right. They were within 10fps of each other when the LR was out front, but after moving right next to barrel, they were within 1fps. Very impressed.

I primarily use a Labradar, but run a Magnetospeed with the Labradar a couple times each range session. I find them both very easy to set up, and they agree to with 2fps of each other.

I prefer the Labradar because it doesn't contact the barrel, which allows me to use it all the time, even when sighting in or testing a load for group size. Since it doesn't affect barrel harmonics, I pretty much never shoot without the Labradar, and I find always having velocity info to be helpful. However, the Magnetospeed Sporter is easy and accurate, too, and you get a lot of chronograph value for your $180.
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