Magneto Speed Sporter vs ProChrono

I've been using pro chrono for over 20+ years. Not sure why not getting readings. Always used screens, always set up EXACTLY 25' measured from front of bench. The distance and screens are critical for consistent acquisition of bullet through the screens. Gotta say very few shots lost if I do what is needed to record shot. I measure with tape and I know every shot is consistent from shot to shot. Optical chronographs are a PITA unless you are consistent in setup. Too close and you can have shock wave affect reading.
I have a pro chrono and only used it a few times. Readings were inconsistent and muzzle blast would effect it. I was only setting up 8 to 10 feet from the bench. Muddyboots, you might have fixed my problem. The wind blew the tripod over a couple times also. It has been on the shelf for 4 years collecting dust. I have been looking at the Magnetospeed, but have not opened the wallet yet. To the OP - A pro chrono at a crowded range is a pain.
I have used a Magnetospeed Sporter for the past 4 years or so. I have zero complaints about it and I can count on one hand how many errors I've had. I have put hundreds of shots over one. They're the best bang for the buck chronograph there is. They also are easy to setup and it doesn't matter what time of day, how much sun, or anything special.
I second this.
Knowing your bullets velocity is absolutely critical for calculating its trajectory. This is no small thing, it takes good equipment to get correct velocity data. Good equipment costs $$$.
And good equipment will be easy to use, and provide accurate data. Choose a quality instrument and buy once, cry once!
Many archery shops use lights above their chronographs indoors, see no reason it can't work outside as well.
Do you have a electric power supply at your range? If so do you want to haul an extension cord to get power to the indoor lighting? At some point I'm going to go a different route.
They do seem to be fragile. Mine couldn't hold up to a 1 1/4 oz slug at 1550 fps through the display at all. I was wondering if I should have tried to chronograph the chronograph going downrange?
I built a wooden box with plexiglass top and front for my pro chronograph, i shot my flintlock over it 15' away and put a patch and wad thru the front plexiglass
Wanted an Ohler sky screen but the were not available so I got a Caldwell. Never
Worked right and couldn't trust it. Bought a Mag speed Sportster loved it! But it crapped out after 2 years sensor went down and I got that fixed. Then the LCD display quit. They may be better now, but for me the V-3 is much higher quality and well worth the investment been running it 4 years now. After what I spent on 3 chronos, I could have bought a labradar.
I've got an Oehler 35 and the MS Sporter. MS is great, quick and easy to set up for ammo checks. When I do load development the Oehler gets used, it is rare for it to not record a bullet. I use three screens and the orange diffusers with a 4 foot spacing with the proof screen centered. This setup has worked well for many years.