Magneto speed sporter?

I primarily use a Labradar, but run a Magnetospeed with the Labradar a couple times each range session. I find them both very easy to set up, and they agree to with 2fps of each other.

I prefer the Labradar because it doesn't contact the barrel, which allows me to use it all the time, even when sighting in or testing a load for group size. Since it doesn't affect barrel harmonics, I pretty much never shoot without the Labradar, and I find always having velocity info to be helpful. However, the Magnetospeed Sporter is easy and accurate, too, and you get a lot of chronograph value for your $180.
Well put. I havent run any tests to verify if the magnetospeed affects accuracy. Need to do that.
It may have more to do with my phone which is a Samsung, rather than the cable or the Magnetospeed. Good to hear it works for you through your iPad though.
I tried it with my samsung and my wife's, and my brothers iphone... I guess I just got a bad cable maybe...all of you that dont have trouble are you using iPhones? I hate them so if that's what it takes I'll stick with my notepad.
I've been using my sporter for a few years now, really like it. I'll work on accuracy loads first then see where velocity comes in at second. I pay attention to the spread and standard deviation as these are indicators of load consistency and accuracy.
I used the Sporter model for about 3 years and it never missed a lick. All of a sudden it started not liking when I shot rifles with a brake. I had used it on rifles with a muzzle brake many, many times. Sent it back to Magneto at their request. Because the brake showed no sign of neglect they sent me a new one even though the broken unit was well past warranty. Five (5) shots on the new one and it also went bonkers. Still can't figure it out as I never changed the mounting point. I got a LabRadar and moved on.
View attachment 159688 Same here. Have had the sporter since they came out. I modified the crap out of mine tho. I use a modified wiser mount to keep it off the barrel. I had issues with the large brakes and suppressor due to the design of the sporter but I just modify it. On another note, I also have the adapter to send the data to my phone and it works flawlessly for me. You need the app uploaded to the phone but I love the system overall.
View attachment 159688 Same here. Have had the sporter since they came out. I modified the crap out of mine tho. I use a modified wiser mount to keep it off the barrel. I had issues with the large brakes and suppressor due to the design of the sporter but I just modify it. On another note, I also have the adapter to send the data to my phone and it works flawlessly for me. You need the app uploaded to the phone but I love the system overall.
Nice job on the fabrication! Thanks for posting the pictures, I'm gonna do something similar, thanks for the idea!
I'm looking at the sporter also but have a question-
What is the difference between this and the V3 at $380?
Is it worth the additional 200 bucks or should I just get a sporter?
Shooting a braked 300rum. Thanks for any input!
I'm looking at the sporter also but have a question-
What is the difference between this and the V3 at $380?
Is it worth the additional 200 bucks or should I just get a sporter?
Shooting a braked 300rum. Thanks for any input!
I have the sporter and use on braked rums and edge with good success. Haven't tried the v3 though.
I'm looking at the sporter also but have a question-
What is the difference between this and the V3 at $380?
Is it worth the additional 200 bucks or should I just get a sporter?
Shooting a braked 300rum. Thanks for any input!
I bought the sporter and the cable to connect to my phone, but that configuration doesnt work with my MS, cable, and phone. Tried on a few other phones and 2 tablets no go. So I have to record velocities manually in a notebook. The V3 has a better user interface. I haven't personally played with one, but it's supposed to be able to store multiple strings of fire. Which you can get with the sporter if you get the cable and its compatible with your phone. Or with a notebook like I use. Comes down to what you're willing to spend money for really. I have no problem shooting with my suppressor, just turn up the sensitivity.
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