Made in the USA important to you?

I've been doing it religiously since the flood of Chinese crap became an issue in the '90s. I ALWAYS consider country of origin, and I will almost always pay more for made in USA. If the difference is crazy, like a $4k Grizzly lathe vs a $40k American, I'll buy Chinese, but that's about it. Purveyors of Chinese junk do all they can to hide or disguise the origin, so sometimes you have to look hard for the information. Also watch out for the trick of the big "USA" on the package that, upon closer examination, actually says "designed in USA", meaning "made in China". There's a REASON they try to hide country of origin from you. The most common question I ask on Amazon is "What is the country of origin?"
I have always tried. It's why I'v done less shopping at cabelas the last few years. Just noticed everything in clothes was made in China. I like buying from countries that I have a good impression of. I try and stay away from China and Mexico.
I am a diesel mechanic and see quality of parts from Mexico and China. So I will say China's metal is just low carbon and like cheep cast. I have seen some parts break during assembly, that just turned me off to the products.
The working conditions In some countries are really bad and that is why the stuff is cheaper also. So I dont like the China stuff for that. Although I'm sure lots of countries treat their subjects like crap, China is the one that always come to mind.
TRUMP 2020
I have been following several threads on here for months now. Being a Canadian, I have the luxury of viewing many things from a distance, without getting involved. For the most part, members make valid statements (and decisions) based on experiences. But there are a few who are so blinded by their own biases, that their posts make one nauseous. There is one "well known member" who posts on various threads...when I see his handle on a post, i don't bother reading it, knowing how hard nosed it will be. For most posters though, please carry on. You are enlightening and make valid observations that benefit all. Dave.
Since you are posting I guess it isn't me :)
I'm european and I only own American guns and it's not because they are made in the US or are better than the European stuff, but it's simply a lot of gun for the money and parts are easily available because the US market is huge.
When I buy stuff I general don't consider country of origin, but that the trade feels fair. I won't buy a Chinese copy even if it's just 10% of the price of the original. I'm also willing to pay a higher price for something if it's made in a high cost country simply because I live in one myself no matter if it's Japan, Germany or the US
I've done the same for many years. Especially after China became favored trade status . Used to be Things made in Japan were junk. Now things made in China are junk and Japan is high end. We need to stop supporting the Red Chinese army and trade with Japan again. I own two VX6 4x24's and other Luepold's. Also have Versa Max and an 870.. All my rifles are American made except for a Tikka a Sako and a Weatherby Vanguard ( Howa action). I just visited the Weatherby Factory in Sheriden last Fri.. Very nice. Also toured GunWerks factory here in Cody. Amazing . Even back when Winchester's were being made in Japan I wouldn't buy one. Have never owned a Japanese car or motorcycle . I try to buy American when I have a choice .
So,what does Weatherby actually manufacture,cast,forge and machine in Wyoming? 50 employees barely fill the white collar jobs.Howa is japanese and Atek in Minnesota still makes Mark V barreled actions.Just curious to know.
I have found myself over the last couple years putting heavy emphasis on whether or not something is made in the US when making a decision to purchase something, especially firearms related. Its why I went with a versamax over an SBE 2 a few years ago. The most recent example was going with a VX6HD over an NX8 (made in Japan). I am not perfect at it and I also want something of quality and reliable. I didn't use to care and never even considered the country of origin, I am now in my late 30's and somewhere along the way it started to matter to me. Just curious if any of you out there take that into consideration when making purchases?

I take it even further than that. I do not allow my money to fund anything that is not patriotically American. I do not work for or assist the anti-American crowd. I don't buy products from American companies if they have funded the opposition. Benchmade would be a good example. I try the best I can to stick this. Unapologetically American.
So,what does Weatherby actually manufacture,cast,forge and machine in Wyoming? 50 employees barely fill the white collar jobs.Howa is japanese and Atek in Minnesota still makes Mark V barreled actions.Just curious to know.
Couldn't tell you. We couldn't tour their behind the doors factory. I could be wrong but I thought he said the barrels for the Vanguards are made by Weatherby and all of their Mark V were.I 'don't really care how many employees they have. If it's made here I'm fine with that . GunWerks is opening a new and much larger building. More employees . More jobs.
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