Made in the USA important to you?

My mom and dad were a part of the GREAT generation, where made in the USA was very important. This mindset was instilled in me as well. Things have changed, the world is "smaller" More imported materials used in USA manufactured products. I will use USA controlled if at all possible. The greatest country in the world.
IMO, there are times when attempting to buy American made products can be a daunting task. Just hear me out, there is somewhat of a trend of US companies when they release products, especially new companies with the latest and greatest to ask an exorbitant price for their product. I'm not saying the cost may not be worth it in the long run, but we have seen non proven products with sticker price shock. This trend has multiplied considerably since 2000.
One example, no names, but in Aug 2011 I bought a bipod, price of 300, unheard of pricing, there was one on the market higher, but a specialized use product. I looked it over and of coarse did not see 300, but it served every intended purpose for my style of shooting. Today I own 11 of them, and not once have I paid more than 300 for any model, including new improved versions with nicer features. Maybe R&D costs dropped, or manufacturing costs went down, but how often do products stay the same price, even for 1 yr?
My opinion corporate greed and greedy investors that want maximum profits to get maximum payouts to get maximum stock value.
I agree with this - which makes it that much more impressive when A company decides to keep production here in the states, knowing that they could reduce production costs and increase profit if they went over seas. Knowing this, I am willing to pay a little bit more money to for made in the USA.
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I buy American when and where I can. I look for it. But I also increasingly hate junk, no matter where it is made. You take my dollar I demand a product that works and performs without breaking, at a fair price.

I have wanted a borescope for years but just couldn't/wouldn't pony up $750.
How the heck can Chinese Teslong sell a quality borescope that also does pics and video wireless for $80??
They do have some innovation or else stole some good tech. There are some areas US companies need to step up.
American made is important to me. I will not by chinese anything or from any other communist country. It doesn't control my life at all times, but I do make a conscious effort to by American. I believe if everyone in this country made an effort to support American made products, we will have better products due to the competition, and the prices will decrease.
I buy American when and where I can. I look for it. But I also increasingly hate junk, no matter where it is made. You take my dollar I demand a product that works and performs without breaking, at a fair price.

I have wanted a borescope for years but just couldn't/wouldn't pony up $750.
How the heck can Chinese Teslong sell a quality borescope that also does pics and video wireless for $80??
They do have some innovation or else stole some good tech. There are some areas US companies need to step up.
Good point, the teslong makes the lyman all but obsolete. I ponied up the 700, then another 275 for the angled eyepiece, but for ease of use and views on my laptop, I want a teslong.
IMO, there are times when attempting to buy American made products can be a daunting task. Just hear me out, there is somewhat of a trend of US companies when they release products, especially new companies with the latest and greatest to ask an exorbitant price for their product. I'm not saying the cost may not be worth it in the long run, but we have seen non proven products with sticker price shock. This trend has multiplied considerably since 2000.
One example, no names, but in Aug 2011 I bought a bipod, price of 300, unheard of pricing, there was one on the market higher, but a specialized use product. I looked it over and of coarse did not see 300, but it served every intended purpose for my style of shooting. Today I own 11 of them, and not once have I paid more than 300 for any model, including new improved versions with nicer features. Maybe R&D costs dropped, or manufacturing costs went down, but how often do products stay the same price, even for 1 yr?

This daunting task is made worse with the Underarmour/Sitka type pricing. Kinda hard to purely pay extra for a name and a product which differs no more then the rest.
Interesting thing though, American gun manufacturers and optics guys like Leupold, are still pretty much world class. We've seen a few dogs like Remington go astray, but IMO the rest are designing great products at great prices. Other than my Tikkas and my Beretta, which I love, it's all American.
Folks, I am routinely laughed at for my stance on buying USA made. I flew 74-400s across the Pacific for 9 plus years and signed for $18,000 landing fee at Osaka, and Narita (Toyoko north). JAL, ANA, pay just under $7.00 to touch down at LAX. They have an import quota in 2000 of 750 American luxury autos. I also won't fly on an Airbus...last year I flew from San Antonio to Houston to Denver to Phoenix to avoid the Airbus, but the Airbus direct to Phoenix was full, and devirted in to El Paso with mechanical problems. So there!
This daunting task is made worse with the Underarmour/Sitka type pricing. Kinda hard to purely pay extra for a name and a product which differs no more then the rest.
Interesting thing though, American gun manufacturers and optics guys like Leupold, are still pretty much world class. We've seen a few dogs like Remington go astray, but IMO the rest are designing great products at great prices. Other than my Tikkas and my Beretta, which I love, it's all American.
Me too on firearm stuff, other than 2 Benelli SBE's, NF and Kahles glass, all my stuff US product. Crap, add 4 vortex red dots.
I have found myself over the last couple years putting heavy emphasis on whether or not something is made in the US when making a decision to purchase something, especially firearms related. Its why I went with a versamax over an SBE 2 a few years ago. The most recent example was going with a VX6HD over an NX8 (made in Japan). I am not perfect at it and I also want something of quality and reliable. I didn't use to care and never even considered the country of origin, I am now in my late 30's and somewhere along the way it started to matter to me. Just curious if any of you out there take that into consideration when making purchases?
I buy everything I can from 1st from American made products and or assembled but I also pay attention to who is behind the company and where it's profits are going there are "American made" companies that are foreign owned numerous Chinese and some Muslim countries I Will NOT support Communism nor will I support the fund raising that Islamic countries and owned companies that find terror Look Carefully don't fund communists nor world wide terrorism
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