longrange with a 22LR how far have you push them

John, does that Barska have a FA turret like i posted in the videos? If it does but a Bushnell grid boresighter on that rig and check and see how much up u have with it. Then crank back down and see if it intersects the same spot as it did when zeroed. If it doesn't, do what Norm Johnson suggested in the last copy of Varmint Hunter's magazine, and run the turrets back and forth to "break them in" as he states in the article, then recheck it. Who knows u may have an improvised target turret there just itchin' to be tried. Mine sure worked VERY well!
I have a great video of pushing the limits of a 22lr on youtube. Check it out. We will be going even further in the future but for now we have multiple hits on a metal target at 500 yards. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuXjMXMGvrA]Long range shooting 22 lr 500 yards with info. - YouTube[/ame] It this link doesn't come up look for 500 yard 22lr and find MedMan3636. It is pretty awesome and I give some details. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think. Have a good one.
VERY Impressive!

I'd probably improve my shooting skills more by perfecting 100 and 200 yards with a 22lr in practice. I'm going to work on that, a good idea I'd think.
HI . I've hunted with 22 LR Remington model 241 Speed Master Urial sheep in the distance 260 yards.With bullets mini Mag CCi DSC03956.JPG
SWFA 10xMD on a 25MOA rail will get you to 330 on the crosshairs from a 50 yard zero, dot city after that. Just a matter of finding ammo that is consistent.

Bulk 36's aint it though.
Anyone own a decent, accurate air rifle, I need one for squirrels out back. Pump of course, something that won't break and is pretty accurate.
1.07MOA @ 300 yards 22lr. Federal Auto match 10/22 Kidd lightweight barrel


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I stretch my CZ 455 out to 300+ yards every trip to the range. No better tool for learning to read wind. There's mo hiding behind velocity or BC when you make a bad wind call with a .22
Re: long range with a LR how far have you push them

While I have made some long shots out past 300 with surprising consistency,, I have set my Savage BVSS, with 6x20 Leupold ER/ turrets with a particular cartridge that gives consustent sub MOA results at 200 yards. The load is programmed into Shooter and the seup makes for a nice LR trainer, and groundhog rifle.
200 yards in rim fire tournament.
Surprisingly they do very well with good ammo.
200 yards in rim fire tournament.
Surprisingly they do very well with good ammo.

Same here.

For fun to 275 on a 3 inch silhouette. On a windless day with my favorite ammo, hit more than miss.
The wind shifted on my last shot in the 5 shot group but my Savage BVSS with a Leupold 6x20 runs close to .5MOA at 200 yards using Remington HP promo/500 bulk pack...


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