Longest Kill Shot ?

Having cup of coffee with ranch owner, when he looks up behind me and lo and behold 3 hogs standing in pasture behind me 250yds away. Brother from Seattle was visiting so we were doing a drive around looking for pigs we had shot night before. Had my 8inch barreled 6.8 spc with Aimpoint topside. Easier to get in and out of vehicles with shorter barrels. Back to story, hopped his fence to get a little closer. Brother is carrying 16 inch 7.62x39 AR with Burris scope. We fired at same time, he was aiming at left one and I was right. Mine goes down, 2 pigs running. Brother sucks at moving targets, I don't. Have only one mag in weapon with 13 shots left...Final pig dropped at 410 yards with last round in weapon. Rancher and his bother are standing there with mouths open holding half finished coffee. Both picked up AR Pistols within 2 weeks, in 7.62x39, with red dots on top. Over 2000 acres to maintain with 2-300 cattle, driving around doing daily maintenance gives ranchers many opportunities to engage multiple types of critters. Now they look forward to those encounters. Forgive the long winded version, but had to set the mood. Conclusion, Short barreled weapons (AR Pistol) or SPR's have a legitimate place in this hunters safe. First pig 175' second pig over 250', last pig 410'......All with 8" AR in 6.8SPC, without magnification behind that Aimpoint red dot.
Bear - 588 m - 30 06 - NBT 165 gr - handload ( 2650 fps )
Hog - 470 m - 30 06 - NBST 168 gr - factory ( 2770 fps )
Fox - 360 m - 30 06 NBST 168 gr - factory
Roe deer - 340 m right in the middle of the nec ( profile not side ) - 30 06 - NBST 168 gr - factory
Crow - 280 m - 30 06 NBT 165 gr - handload
Rabbit - 200 m right in the head with
308 win - 168 A max - vhitavuori n140 43,5 gr - 2600 fps

Blaser R93 - 30 06
Mossberg ATR100 - 30 06
Mossberg ATR100 - 308 win

Handload 30 06
vhitavuori N140 - 48,5 gr - 83,75 mm - 2650 fps
310yards ground squirrel with a 22lr
I got my first deer this year but it was around 50yards running with a 308 the funny thing about this is that I'm a long range shooter and I expected to get my deer at around 300-400 yards with the gun I was shooting. I normally practice out to 1500yards and have shoot 2080 in a URSA comp.
I coyote hunt quite a lot. Got bit real hard by the long range shooting bug. 818 yds with a 15+ mile per hour cross wind is my longest shot on a yote with a custom savage LRPV 260 using a vetronix range finder which seems to perform better than anything else I can find in the online world. Have shot many yotes 600+ yards but always seem to struggle getting an accurate range over 800 yds and I pretty much own all the quality range finders. However, I have to admit my favorite way to hunt yotes is to call them in really close
I coyote hunt quite a lot. Got bit real hard by the long range shooting bug. 818 yds with a 15+ mile per hour cross wind is my longest shot on a yote with a custom savage LRPV 260 using a vetronix range finder which seems to perform better than anything else I can find in the online world. Have shot many yotes 600+ yards but always seem to struggle getting an accurate range over 800 yds and I pretty much own all the quality range finders. However, I have to admit my favorite way to hunt yotes is to call them in really close

Do you use a tripod with your range finders or go hand held? For longer ranges, a small tripod seems to help me a lot.
Whitetail doe 980yds -6.5x47 lapua 140gr amax
Mule deer 318yds- 7mm rem mag 180 Berger hybrid
Whitetail buck 475yds -270 Winchester 150lrAB
Antelope buck 530yds -7mm wsm 162 amax
Antelope doe 402yds - 6.5 creedmoor 140 eldm
Cow elk 375 yds - 300 win mag 212 eldx

First picture is the 980yd doe, the second is the does liver after the 140gr amax impact velocity of 1532fps.


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896 yards, running whitetail in 1972. Browning BAR in 7 Mag, Remington Factory 140 grain loads, Bushnell 3X9 scope. No rangefinders, just Kentucky windage. Held about 6 deer over and 9 deer in front. Dead through the heart. Best shot was a headshot on a desert cottontail with a Remington Nylon 66 at about 450 yards in 1982. Rabbit was facing away and the bullet was coming in at such an angle that it clipped hair off the spine between the hips then literally split the skull between the ears all the way to the nose. Cheapo Tasco 22 scope and no rangefinder. Unfortunately, my eyes aren't that good anymore so most of my shots now are very carefully planned, or close enough that I don't have to worry about trajectory. I've taken 20 Coues whitetails and the longest shot I've ever taken on one was 110 yards.
Whitetail 714 yd heart shot 180gr 300 wm
Red Fox 110 yd .22
Squirrel 110 yd head shot .22
Yote 135 yd .556 night shot
Hog 145 yd .556 thermal night shot
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